Thereby implying that non-whites are incapable of cognitive reason; ergo any discussion is fruitless because the foundation is built upon two distinct parties with polarities within their views necessitating conflict.  The absolute epitome of racism.

I doubt you could find a more succinct presentation of the moral divide currently infecting the U.S. In this example a liberal professor says the very construct of reason and virtue is a white anglo-perspective that non-whites are incapable of understanding. In the most direct of terms, this professor is stating -albeit without accepting- that segregation is the only recourse.  This is the exact ideological world view of George Bernard Shaw and the original Fabian socialists.  

syracuse prof(Via Daily Caller) A philosophy and religion professor at Syracuse University gave an interview to The New York Times Thursday in which he critiqued the notion of pure reason as simply being a “white male Euro-Christian construction.”

Prof. John Caputo was being interviewed by fellow philosophy professor George Yancy for the 13th installment of an interview series Yancy conducts with philosophers regarding racial topics.

Given its emphasis on first principles and abstract thought, it may be tempting to view academic philosophy as a turf where the race of participants matters little, but Caputo says that’s entirely untrue. In fact, race is of central importance, and it’s proven by the mundane phrases philosophers use.

“‘White’ is of the utmost relevance to philosophy, and postmodern theory helps us to see why,” Caputo says in the interview. “I was once criticized for using the expression ‘true north.’It reflected my Nordo-centrism, my critic said, and my insensitivity to people who live in the Southern Hemisphere. Of course, no such thing had ever crossed my mind, but that points to the problem. We tend to say ‘we’ and to assume who ‘we’ are, which once simply meant ‘we white male Euro-Christians.’

The end result of critiquing whiteness, Caputo suggests, is the realization that the supposed “reason” underlying philosophy is just another form of white privilege … or something of that nature. (read more)

Schultzy without uniform

Yeah, wut he said..
