graduation 1The Seattle Times waxes philosophically about gender issues within the graduation ceremony for High School students. Apparently, in years gone by, boys and girls wore differing color robes for graduation.
Now, amid the multi-cultural progressive dynamics of disingenuous gender labeling, they appear perplexed as they study the potential ramifications inherent within a singular color robe to protect the delicate sensibilities of trans-somethingorother.
Obviously the higher education authority is committed to the progressive mind now grasping to reconcile the challenge of how to retain little boxes they use to define each young member of society, yet affording a cohesive sense of unity – or something equally stupid.

[…] The band strikes the first note of a processional song. Then come the students two by two — girls draped in green robes, boys in black. For the whole event, the girls sit separate from the boys on opposite sides of a wide aisle.

Five other Seattle high schools graduate in a similar way, with gender-specific gowns. At least one school in Shoreline and two in the Lake Washington School District do, too.

But Franklin will start a new tradition this year, one in which transgender students and others who don’t fit the typical male and female roles won’t have to pick a side.

The school’s instructional council voted last month to switch to a more gender-neutral ceremony. While the details are still being ironed out, the students and teachers who pushed for the change see it as a victory. (read more)

Oh, it doesn’t stop there, they actually go on to contemplate the “challenges” of “seating arrangements”…

Here’s a thought.

Like the majority of educational enterprise, ie common sense America, where defined labels are less important than the content of the educational character, try using the alphabet to seat the graduates, and use the school color for the gown selection.
Yeah, I know…. I know…. shocking concept.   Oh, the horror!
