With this decision, soon Massachusetts will see an underground business of “leverage enterprises” whose efforts will provide a criminal client with the best possible outcome through the use of social networking, social media and community pressure based on advertising, broadcasting, the juror’s duty..
The juror’s business and/or employment will be targeted.  Social, Civic Clubs, and Academic institutions can also be leveraged against the juror… Just watch…
WEST SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (WWLP)– In a decision made Tuesday, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled that the names of jurors who serve in criminal cases are to be available to the public.
The new ruling means that if you serve on a jury, your name will become public record by the end of the trial at the latest, but the decision that isn’t sitting well with everyone.
Those opposed to the ruling argue it will create harassment and other risks for those jurors.
While those in support of the decision, like Jana Seiler of West Springfield, told 22News that deciding if someone committed a serious crime or not is a big deal, and they want to know who’s behind making that decision.
“I think everybody has a right to know who sat on that jury and made that decision, especially the family of the victim or of the person being accused,” Seiler said. (read more)
You cant fix stupid but you can vote it out
