(MarkLevin)1c3740e9-3b84-44c4-b9de-9a0bb2381e83_zps77c89c84…In recent weeks we have seen two columns by “conservative” columnist Ann Coulter about the current controversy over the Mississippi Senate race.  Allow me to finally reply to this opportunistic, money-grubbing Establishment hack masquerading as a conservative:
Ann, in your first piece on July 9, you condemned Senator Chris McDaniel for fighting against what is massive corruption and you slander his supporters as “clowns and nuts” and the “sore loser brigade” for backing him.  You detailed many campaigns where Republicans had elections outright stolen from them, namely Richard Nixon, John Thune, and Bob Dornan, who took the supposed high road and did not challenge the results.

0cc5982f-c05d-49ab-8e42-be0c0550b59f_zpsb81e6225Yes, you are correct, those Republicans had elections stolen from them, and it’s quite likely that Romney was a victim as well, given some of the numbers in Ohio and elsewhere.  But what happened, Ann?  The Republicans did NOT fight back and, as a result, the Democrats (and the GOP Establishment) KEEP STEALING THEM and will do so as long as we stand idly by and let them.  Senator McDaniel has decided to take a very courageous stand against this kind of politicking, the illegal votes, but also the awful Barbour-funded race-baiting that Mississippi conservatives had to endure for weeks in June.  I haven’t heard one word from you about any of that.  You must support those types of tactics.  Shame on you!
In your column on July 23 I find that you are back at it again, smearing us for seeking to replace Cochran with a “slightly different Republican.”  This simply shows that you know nothing about Thad Cochran or his atrocious voting record.  I don’t have time to school you this evening so why don’t you do that important work on your own.  Here is one suggestion: Peruse this site, read all the great information we have compiled, and learn something!
You write, “It doesn’t look great having alleged Republican activists claiming that any votes from blacks in a GOP primary were fraudulent.”  Yes, many were fraudulent.  More on that later.
“It so happens that Cochran has always won a fair portion of the black vote — and the Democrat vote.”  Well, that’s because Cochran has had no serious opponent since Reagan’s first term.  In fact, most of his opponents, if he had one at all, were unknowns, with no money, and no campaign to speak of.  But answer two questions for me, Ann?  Why did these same Democrats NOT vote for Cochran in the June 3 primary?  And, with a serious Democrat on the ticket this year in Travis Childers, and with Chuck Schumer’s gang vowing to support him, do you honestly think those Democratic votes will be there for Cochran in November?  If you do, then you are as ignorant as I thought you were!
