Oy,… There’s a headline you don’t see often.   Lesbian…. Solidarity…. Islamic Law ?   Seriously, can she be a bigger doofus ?   Someone might want to tell Chief Harteau the Sharia folk don’t like “teh gay” aspect.

Janee Harteau(Via Front Page Mag)  When the left finally cracks up, the few survivors will have a really good laugh.
According to a Facebook post, Somali staffers that work at Minneapolis City Hall declared February 28 “Hijab Day” at City Hall and convinced the police chief and female city council reps to wear hijabs on the job.
Pictures include: Minneapolis police chief Janee Harteau (who recently married her favorite female sergeant not very hijab like), city council members Elizabeth Glidden and Lisa Bender as well as other staffers.
There’s nothing like a lesbian feminist authority figure who boasts of being the first female police chief in Minneapolis donning a symbol of male ownership in a patriarchal tribal society to express the deep schizophrenia of the left in its enthusiastic enabling of Islamists.  (read more)
