Memorial Day looming presents a challenging backdrop for pointing out the continuing insufferable stupidity of one very brave military patriot.  But John McCain’s continual protestations for the US to support the Syrian Rebels is beyond ridiculous.
It is well documented that the Syrian uprising, like the Libyan uprising before it, has been co-opted by radical elements of Al-Queda and known terroristic entities that hate Western ideologies in all forms.   The time, if there was one, for assistance, has long since passed.

(TPM) — Sen. John McCain said that the past several years have been a “shameful episode in American history” because the U.S. has not become more involved on behalf of rebel forces in several countries across the Middle East since 2009 in response to a question about the United States’ involvement in Syria on Fox News Sunday. McCain also suggested that President Obama was trying to hold off action until after the election.

“Horrible things are happening in Syria,” McCain said. “This administration has a feckless foreign policy which abandons American leadership.”
McCain also dismissed a New York Times story reporting that President Obama may enlist the Russians to try to remove Syrian President Bashar al-Assad diplomatically as unrealistic.
“The only conclusion you can draw,” McCain said, “is that this president wants to kick the can down the road on all these issues until after the election.” McCain referenced Obama’s ‘hot mic’ moment earlier this year when he told Russian Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev he would be more flexible after the election. “It’s really an abdication of everything that America stands for and believes in,” he said.  (read more)
