Giffords 2.0?  Of course he does.   And thankfully the water-carrying media will continue selling the Republicans politicizing the story and stuff….
(CBS News) — Vice President Joe Biden said Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” gun laws will be a topic of debate in light of the controversy surrounding the shooting of Trayvon Martin.

“It’s important that people be put in a position where their Second Amendment rights are protected, but that they also don’t, as a consequence of the laws, unintendedly put themselves in harm’s way,” Biden told anchor Bob Schieffer in an interview to air on “Face the Nation” on Sunday.
Florida’s gun laws allow people to shoot in self-defense if they feel threatened. Mr. Biden, who was chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee for eight years, said that the Martin case underscores the need to ensure public safety in accordance with current gun laws.
“The idea that there’s this overwhelming additional security in the ownership and carrying concealed and deadly weapons. . . I think it’s the premise, not the constitutional right, but the premise that it makes people safer is one that I’m not so sure of,” Biden said.  (read more)
But hey, we got Bin Laden….  wait, what?
