Or is that selected moral outrage reserved exclusively for the benefactors of your race baiting victimization agenda?
In Oklahoma last week an 85-year-old woman was raped, tortured and battered to death by a 20-year-old black man named Tyrone Woodfork;  who also brutalized and shot her 90-year-old husband in the face with a BB gun during a home invasion robbery.

Nancy and Bob Strait, who had celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary in December, were found by their daughter badly beaten.  Their bodies were left bloodied, beaten, raped and tortured for 24 hours before they were discovered barely alive.  They were rushed to hospital where Mrs Strait, who was nearly blind, died from her injuries.
Reverend Jesse Jackson did not travel to Oklahoma to share his condolences or grieve with the family.  MSNBC’s  Reverend Al Sharpton also skipped the opportunity to pass along his thoughts and prayers, and President Obama made no mention of them in the Rose Garden.
The New Black Panthers were no-where to be found around Tulsa, and the national media ignored the story.   But it did happen.  Tyrone Woodfork did rape 85-year-old Nancy  Strait and savagely brutalize 90-year-old Bob Strait.  Just to steal their car, a TV, and $200.

You see, yesterday Jesse Jackson delivered a strongly worded speech in a Florida church condemning the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.  Martin is black, and was shot by a latino male named George Zimmerman.   Jesse Jackson spoke with outrage and righteous indignation.  He spoke about race, war, power, justice and called Trayvon a “martyr”:

“How do we go from a moment to a movement that creates fundamental change?”  “If it’s a moment, we go home. If it’s a movement, we go to war. Movements are made of serious substance. … There is power in the blood of the innocent.”

Jesse Jackson has a finely tuned skill set, honed from years of occupying the highest executive offices within the race-baiting industry.  His expertise lies in casting long shadows of despair and victimization by creating dark clouds of racial animosity, division, and distrust  upon his exclusively black audiences.   But the pontificating outrage apparently only goes in one direction – when there’s a black victim.
The consideration, compassion and concern is not as liberally shared when a white victim suffers brutality at the hand of a divergent race.  The liberating and empowering sunlight of equality and opportunity is cast aside in favor of racially motivated venomous storm clouds filled with angry emotion, bitterness, rage and self-interested opportunistic speech.

Apparently the same racial litmus test is also applied by President Obama who has previously spoken of racial injustice as it related to an incident with black Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr.
So too did Mr. President weigh in regarding young Trayvon Martin, delivering considerate prose and contemplations of Trayvon looking like his own son.   “looking like”?  Interesting filter for consideration.  Judging by cover, not content.
But, then again, that is what the Jackson’s, Sharpton’s, and apparently Obama’s of the world do.  They judge by cover; not content.
And apparently the cover of Trayvon Martin is far more valuable for opportunistic use than the cover of Bob and Nancy Strait.
Sad that.
