Often Progs are ridiculed for their excessive praise of President Obama.  They are even ridiculed from within their own ranks because Dear Leader has not lived up to many of his campaign promises.   However, despite the inconsistencies Obama remains a god-like figure for the institutional left.
From the iconic “Hope” poster to women fainting at his speeches, Democrats just can’t get enough of their Dear Leader

A flag depicting an image of President Barack Obama was taken down from Lake County Democratic Party headquarters today after several veterans complained it was a “desecration.”

A short confrontation at the Democratic office ended when party chairwoman Nancy Hurlbert took down the controversial flag, which had been flying under an American flag on the same flagpole.
“It’s a cult of personality to show his face, like Stalin or Mao,” said John Masterjohn, a former Marine and retired schoolteacher from Leesburg. “It’s despicable. They don’t realize how sick they are.”

What’s wrong with an Obama-faced flag? If the President can win a Nobel Peace Prize while waging two wars, he can pretty much do anything.   Waters soon to recede, the Planet beginning to heal, I mean c’mon, dear leader needs credit.  We are, after all, soon to be headed into the “third recovery summer”.

The entire country is more unified than ever before, and thanks to the Department of Homeland Security the TSA is so friendly now.   It’s the personal attention Dear Leader promised, and as many have discovered it can be ‘uplifting’ too. 
Dear leader has eliminated racism with his eloquent approaches at being inclusive for divergent ideologies.   Why, he even made an exception for the Birth Control mandate so Catholics don’t actually have to watch abortions any longer; and then, with his promise of transparency, the Bishops are allowed to phone in their outrage.    How considerate for Dear Leader to provide them such personal attentiveness.
Dear Leader even found a way to make girl scout cookies less expensive than a galon of gasoline, and I have yet to see anyone give him credit for that one.   Seriously, what gives?

Our Dear Leader is so incredibly altruistic that he even makes the time to appear on talk shows and late night TV shows so that we have an opportunity to thank him and vocalize our deep and profound appreciation for his magnanimity.    Why can’t people see how hard he is working on this?    I mean he knows it is so important to us that he even went so far as to pay for a love story movie of him, for us, with his own campaign cash.   Talk about altruism.

Dear Leader cares so much that he even named our national healthcare after himself, Obamacare.   I doubt you could find a more visible representation of the Servants Mentality, than such consideration.    It is so frustrating to see people ignore how much he cares for us.   Dear Leader is so compassionate, he personally wants to insure we are cared for by his hand and he is moving rapidly toward eliminating other medical doctors so that he can be our caretaker.

We really need to appreciate him more than with just mere adoration.   He’s almost finished a whole term, time is of the essence.   It is challenging to understand why we haven’t put his face on our money yet?  After all, thanks to Obamanomics the U.S. dollar is worthless now.   Republicans won’t object too much if progs finally got Obama’s head on it.   If they don’t touch the verbage too much sheeple won’t protest.  
Why “In Obama We Trust” will fit the bill quite nicely.
