Obama defenders are frequently using a similar phrase regarding President Obama’s friends and lifetime associations essentially: …  it’s not fair to cast opinion on Obama through “guilt by association”…   Just because the President is friends with radicals, domestic terrorists, hate mongers, racists and vile anti-Semites only means he is well-rounded, or…, well, something.
But even as children our Moms’, Dads’, and Grandparents’ taught us better.   “You are known by the company you keep”.
Look who President Obama invited to the State Dinner last evening.

Breitbart – According to the Washington Post, the Obama White House invited 362 people to its state dinner for the United Kingdom. One familiar face will be gracing the red carpet: Andrew Sullivan of The Daily Beast.
For those who don’t remember, Andrew Sullivan is the once-conservative columnist who shifted dramatically to the left over the past few years – and reserved a special hatred in his heart for Sarah Palin and her special needs son Trig.
Early on in the campaign, Sullivan suggested that Trig was not actually Sarah Palin’s son– he was Bristol’s son, and Sarah had claimed him as her own to cover up Bristol’s pregnancy. Her oft-recounted labor drama, said Sullivan, was possibly nonsense; it was more likely that she had made it up. As Sullivan wrote in August 2008, “the noise around this story is now deafening, and the weirdness of the chronology sufficient to rise to the level of good faith questions.” Actually, the noise wasn’t deafening – it was just that Sullivan was tone-deaf.  (more)

Actually, there were a whole bunch of “unusual” people at this dinner and the lunch which preceded it earlier in the day.  Unusual from the perspective of a highly eclectic combination of Obama idolatry Hollywood types, mega-donors, the big shot major media water carriers, and the far, far leftist contingent of politicians.  
You can definitely see an election season difference in guest participation and how these events will be used by the Obama team to reward their loyalists in an election season.
I don’t think I have ever seen…, wait, no, I’m certain I have never seen, the White House turned into the worlds biggest and most expensive item of Swag.

(You can hover over a picture for descriptions of peeps if you are unsure who they are)

Yikes. No wonder Schumer spends so much time at the office with Harry Reid.

Yeah, that'd be ABC national correspondent Claire Shipman with Propaganda Minister Jay Carney.... Hmmmm ABC Objective Journalism ?

Mr. Obama was standing with first lady Michelle Obama on Wednesday night at the White House when their guests of honor, British Prime Minister David Cameron and his wife Samantha, arrived for the state dinner on the South Lawn.
As Mrs. Cameron stepped out of a town car, Mr. Obama commented, “very pretty.”
Then he turned to his wife and said, “They look better than us.”

If you like looking at stuff like this you can CLICK HERE for many, many more pictures.
