It was interesting to watch yesterdays publication of various polls, and then the subsequent media analysis and response to protect President Obama.  These guys are becoming entirely too predictable.   To get a head start on where the White House deflective shields are pointed you can watch MSNBC for narrative preview.
First the polls (these were all reports from just one day, yesterday) :

Problem – The most alarming polling for the White House was to find the false and trumped up “Womens Healthcare” strategy to have fallen flat.   Other than to his base, it just didn’t sell.  Quite the contrary, the ridiculous Obama drumbeat appears to have hurt him and with women no less.    Oh my, splodey heads.
Solution – Double down on stupid.   Quickly recall Ms. Fluke back to the spotlight and blitz position on CNN.  Sandra Fluke, the far left activist who won’t give up two vanilla lattes a month to pay for her own birth control pills, promised today that she will not be silenced.  In her CNN editorial Fluke also argued that free birth control was a natural human right.   CNN reported.

Problem –  Yikes !  Most people are still not convinced that Obama is Christian.
Solution – Alinsky.   Attack, ridicule, belittle and marginalize the people in Mississippi and Alabama for being ignorant, bigotted and racist.   And Oh Boy did the media deliver on that montra.    Coincidently (?) The movie Game Change provided them a narrative of deflection.   You can see the media placing the blame of bigotry squarely on the shoulders of Sarah Palin now.    Hence, the latest Obama campaign attack ad against Palin begins to make sense.   You can see what they are constructing, they want to insure that Palin is a toxic commodity because she is their worst nightmare.
