If, and that is a big “if”, it comes to that, then my support would be for Jim Demint himself.   He’s become the only person in Washington DC that I can actually state I trust to make the right decisions for our republic.

(TheHill) Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) said there’s a possibility that the GOP presidential race could lead to a brokered convention.

Speaking Thursday on CNN, the Tea Party favorite said that given that Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum each have won a few of the GOP nominating contests, a brokered convention isn’t out of the question.

DeMint said the scenario is a possibility if Mitt Romney does not clinch the GOP nomination by the time of the multiple “Super Tuesday” contests in March.

“Well, that’s probably true, the way it’s set up this year with the divided delegates — it could very well go to the convention,” DeMint said.

His comments came a few days after Rick Santorum dominated a trio of contests in Colorado, Minnesota and Missouri. Those victories came after Newt Gingrich won the SC primary and Mitt Romney took New Hampshire, Florida and Nevada.

While Gingrich and Santorum have failed to qualify for a number of upcoming contests, neither man — nor Romney or Ron Paul — has suggested he is considering dropping out of the race soon.  (article link)
