No-one seems to know if Sarah Palin will run for POTUS or not, but I do believe Chris Christie will.   Why?
Well, firstly the Northeast division of the Decepticon Political Class is entirely cognitively dissonant from the rest of the “regular folk” conservative electorate.   Yep, even within the Republican establishment they view most of the nation through the prism of their own self-interested geography.   The establishment class boundaries of consideration do not drop down below the Mason Dixon line, nor cross the Mississippi, or even the Potomac most of the time.   Their Corinthian leather chair filled rooms are the largest and most detached echo-chamber in the known world of all things political.
Secondly, money begets money, begets money.   The NE Division is holding on to a considerable manipulative fortune for betting purposes.   Despite the insufferable fibbing about politics being about “making a difference”, the truth is Decepticons view money as influence;  They have the money, they want the influence.
Thirdly, despite all the hedging, and overt attempts at humility, Chris Christie is not immune to egocentric accolades and praise.   It takes a lot of self-confidence to tackle the issues he has already faced, and there is a fine line between self-confidence and egotism.  That line is easily blurred with continued projections, or cries, of Christie magnificence from the aforementioned crowd.   One would have to be totally intellectually dishonest to state otherwise.
Lastly, the waters have been tested, and the water feels swimmingly inviting.   The Christie Reagan Library speech last week was for all intents and purposes a candidacy speech.  This is not coincidental.   Christie could have taken any number of approaches to content, but he, or his handlers, chose to frame the speech with “what’s wrong – and what I’d do to fix it”, mixing in a slight change in position regarding immigration to decorate and garnish the Christie plate.

Now this in no way affirms my belief that he is, or should be, the candidate to push back against the Obama usurpations.   I am in no way supporting his potential run.   I do however intellectually admit that based on my view of the political landscape, and based on the key Decepticon players within that landscape, think it is more than likely he will run for office.   In addition there is a considerable question about whether or not he could win re-election in New Jersey.   He has made quite a few internal enemies and there is literally a BIG target  of retaliation aimed squarely at his back.
Now as for Rick Perry and Mitt Romney, I do believe that the reality of an un-electable Mittens has begun to settle in with the Decepticon crowd.   Poll numbers for Mitt ‘I get no respect’ Romney have been exactly stable, eerily stable since day one but they have not gone up one bit.   Romney is the one constant in an ever changing universe.  But, the electorate just ain’t buying into him no matter how many repackaged versions are being sold.   He’s like the new car on the showroom that no-one wants because of the paint scheme that the owners kid thought everyone would want but no-one does.   It’s just sitting there, being dusted every week, yet no-one is interested.   It just ain’t selling. 
The Decepticon back up for a non-selling Romney was a Huntsman.  But the smarmy creepiness of Huntsman is unsettling to all but the most liberal of conservatives, the blue dog democrats.    Those peeps love him, but unfortunately for Huntsman Inc. the Blue Dog Democrats were not the intended audience.   Whoops…..   Alas, the fall back position for a failed Romney is about as useful as Michael Vick.   Might look good in recruitment statistics, but he’ll never finish a primary season despite his own magnificent pontificating.
The Perry issue is far more quizzical, and actually quite sad.   I watched Perry’s primary Senior Campaign Advisor on the Sean Hannity show going up against the same position from the Romney camp.    Boy howdy, did the Perry guy look clueless and weak.   Sitting beside the Romney guy the Perry guy pulled exactly the same visible display during their interview as Perry vs. Romney did at the last CNN debate in Orlando.   In short, he sucked big time.   I watched thinking to myself sheeesh if that’s the ‘Senior Advisor’ this guy is in serious trouble.   He was getting pummeled by Team Romney over the immigration fiasco, and the only thing he could come up with is “we view every person in Texas the same”, to which the Romney guy retorted “that’s your problem, you view illegal aliens, and legal American citizens to be exactly the same”.    Team Perry shrunk on Hannity just as quick as the real Perry shrunk at the Orlando Civic center.    Game Over x 2.
So what’s a Decepticon to do?
Romney will not sell.   The back up sucks and is overpriced, and the only one you could trade for is floundering aimlessly stuck in a divergent universe disconnected from the conservative electorate.
Enter Chris Christie…..

Fughettaboudit !!!

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