Tonight on CNN Piers Morgan will begin strategically elevating the racist rhetoric.  With President Obama’s job approval rating at historic lows, and the reality of an inept leader in the Executive Branch of government, another progressive deflective strategy will begin.  The ground work has been laid for several months and increasingly elevated over the past few weeks by the Congressional Black Caucus and other racially dependent progressives.

Together the leftist media will team up with leftist Hollywood and present a false construct of racism to deflect attention from Barack Obama’s complete incompetence.   The narrative will be presented just in time for the next congressional showdown the continuing budgetary resolution.   The Beltway progressives will join forces with the media, pundits, and hollywood to reinforce the racist obstructionism charge against conservatives.   In an effort to spearhead this campaign Harry Reid will delay any senatorial votes until they, the aforementioned, have time to draw the optic and narrative for the electorate.   They must first construct the guise……  Just watch
(Politico) — Morgan Freeman says that the Obama presidency has made racism in the U.S. more apparent.  During an interview that airs Friday, CNN’s Piers Morgan asked the actor, “Has Obama helped the process of eradicating racism or has it, in a strange way, made it worse?”
“Made it worse. Made it worse,” Freeman replied. “The tea partiers who are controlling the Republican party . . . their stated policy, publicly stated, is to do whatever it takes to see to it that Obama only serves one term. What underlines that? Screw the country, we’re going to do whatever we can to get this black man out of here.”
On the strength of the tea party, he said: “It just shows the weak, dark, underside of America. We’re supposed to be better than that. We really are.”  (read more)
It is important to understand this is not just an average or typical use of racism as the last cry of those who are losing an argument.   This is the strategic use of “racism” as an offensive strategy and weapon against the conservative movement.  This is planned, discussed, and carried out with diligent foresight and planning.   Watch it unfold over the next week and you will be amazed at how transparent their agenda is.   Fix Bayonets.
