WTF endorses Romney?   This from the McCotter candidate who claimed that Romney was “Obama-lite”?   Generally I disconnect from the Hot Air vitriolic folks, but on this point they appear to be spot on.   Unreal.
Hat Tips to Stella and AFinch (Via HotAir)  What was the point of this campaign? The plan, presumably, was to try to get a toehold in the debates and hope that his intelligence and droll humor drew some attention, but he never got an invite — not even from Fox News, where he’s a “Red Eye” darling.
That’s the bad news. The good news? Gary Johnson did get an invite to tonight’s debate so now you’ll have a chance to hear Ron Paul’s arguments twice.

Livonia Rep. Thaddeus McCotter told The Detroit News this afternoon that he is leaving the race for the Republican presidential nomination.
McCotter says he will give his support to former Massachussetts Gov. Mitt Romney, and will likely run again for the 11th District congressional seat he’s held since 2003.
McCotter began his long-shot bid for the White House in July, billing himself as the voice for a new generation of conservatives. He campaigned on a dramatic reform of Social Security, and a tougher approach to dealings with China.

Go watch the clip posted at The Corner of McCotter savaging Romney as Obama’s de facto running mate back in June.  His endorsement here is inexplicable to me except as a bottom-line bet that Romney will be the nominee — and maybe president — and therefore it’s a good idea to curry favor with him now. Especially if you’re a Michigan pol thinking of leveraging the Romney brand back home to help with that House re-election bid.

Or maybe he’s convinced that Romney can beat Obama and Perry can’t?  Further to that point, read Tim Pawlenty’s treacly ode to Mitt’s electability today in which he tosses one bouquet after another at a guy he once derided as being responsible for “Obamneycare.” I understand that Romney and his surrogates have to make this argument, but the more heavy-handed the “Perry can’t win” soundbites get, the greater the risk of a self-fulfilling prophesy if Perry does in fact become the nominee. I can already imagine the Obama ads stitching together soundbites from prominent Romney supporters insisting that Perry will go bust in the general election. Tagline: “Even his own party thinks he’s too far out of the mainstream. Shouldn’t you?” Let’s ease up, just a bit.
Update: Does Mitt know that his newest supporter thinks Social Security is — gasp — a “Ponzi scheme”?

In its current form, America’s Social Security system is the largest Ponzi scheme in history, and it is only a matter of time before it collapses under the weight of federal debt and failed national leadership. The time to act is now. We must fulfill our promises to those generations of Americans who have contributed so much to our nation, but the current Social Security system is unsustainable. America’s retirement system must empower workers with the freedom to choose personal savings and investment account options for part of their Social Security benefits, with no benefit cuts or tax increases of any sort, now or in the future. Personal retirement accounts would increase future retirement benefits, and lead to future cuts in taxes. Social Security modernization with personal accounts would achieves full and permanent solvency for Social Security.
(read article)
