Mustafa Abdel Jalil the “new” leader of Libya, former Libyan Justice Minister and avowed radical islamist who promised to bring Sharia back to Libya,  shows up on the radar screen again again this time at the United Nations meeting.   Why?  Because our President is shaking his hand*UPDATE*  Here’s the picture:

The same Mustafa Abdel Jalil who recently swore the “New” Libyan governance would be based on Sharia Law.   The same Mustafa Abdel Jalil who wrote a thank you letter to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for his support and money against Kadaffi.  The same Mustafa Abdel Jalil who knowingly supported the slaughter of blacks in Benghazi during the rebellion stating “they are only Africans, but we should be careful to hide the bodies”.   Mustafa Abdel Jalil is a radical extremist islamist ideologue, period.

This creepy guy is big time dangerous folks.  He is a typical “snake” using any and all means to acheive his objective.   He needs to be watched closely to insure that his agenda is exposed and shown for how dangerous it really is.   He is 100% certain to align with Egypt toward the common objective, ‘eliminating Israel’.   No doubt about it he is a dangerous untrustworthy person, willing to do anything, anything, to win. 
But enough about Obama, we also need to keep a close eye on Mustafa Abdel Jalil.
