I have been called “stupid” and “naive” for pointing out what is happening in Libya.  Indeed people from both the left and the right have been disparaging our little treeper home specifically because I will not advocate for Libya being a better place with the “Rebels” in control.   Guess what folks, I never will.  There is far too much evidence that “radical elements” have seized control of both the Libyan Rebels and the Egyptian Resistance.
I will never ignore reality and go along with the popular talking points that Egypt and Libya are a better place now.  It simply is not true.   al-Qaeda elements have infiltrated Libya and now control almost every aspect of the armed rebellion, including the selling of Surface To Air missiles to radical Islamist elements.   It is only a matter of time until those weapons are used in a strategic manner in Europe and in North America.   I will not bury my head in the sand on this issue.   Please read the latest development.
Libyan Rebels Beheading Army Forces, Dumping Bodies In Mass Graves  (Telegraph) — The five corpses floated disfigured and bloating in the murky bottom of the water tank. Wearing green soldiers’ uniforms, the men lay belly down, decomposing in the putrid water.
The streaks of blood, smeared along the sides of this impromptu mass grave suggested a rushed operation, a hurried attempt to dispose of the victims.
Who the men were and what happened to them, close to the Libyan rebels’ western front line town of Al-Qawalish in the Nafusa Mountains, remains unknown.
But the evidence of a brutal end were clear. One of the corpses had been cleanly decapitated, while the trousers of another had been ripped down to his ankles, a way of humiliating a dead enemy.
The green uniforms were the same as those worn by loyalists fighting for Col. Muammer Gaddafi in Libya’s civil war. No one from the rebel side claimed the corpses, or declared their loved ones missing.
There was no funeral, or call to the media by the rebels to see the ‘atrocities committed by the regime’.
Since the bodies were seen by the Daily Telegraph attempts to discover their identities have been unsuccessful, in part because of obstruction by rebel authorities in the area. Having highlighted the discovery to those authorities the area was subsequently bulldozed and the bodies disappeared.  (read more)
