Reason #4,545,872 to consider Dirty Harry a fool… Yup, in an astounding comment from the Leader of the Senate “Cowboy Poet” Harry Reid says ““The Court of Appeals Is Where Law Is Made”. It would be completely laughable if it wasn’t such a staggering statement.
(Via IHateTheMedia) – Goodwin Liu was nominated for the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals by President Obama. Liu’s such an extremist that even a considerable number of Democrats opposed the appointment. As a result, Liu’s nomination went down in flames on Wednesday. Let’s go to Senate majority leader Harry Reid for a comment via NetRight Daily:

Liu was nominated by Obama in 2010 and again in 2011for a seat on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The Senate Judiciary Committee had approved him by a vote of 10-8. Had Liu been confirmed by the Senate, many expect that he would have eventually been promoted to the Supreme Court.
As Harry Reid noted of Goodwin Liu after meeting with him, “The court of appeals is where law is made, and we need the finest minds in the world for that.” (read more)
