(DailyCaller) In response to the revelation that about 20 percent of the latest slew of  Obamacare waivers went to luxurious restaurants, nightclubs and hotels in House  Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s district, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin told The  Daily Caller the waiver process is “corrupt.”

“Unflippingbelievable! No, wait, it is believable,” Palin said in an email to TheDC. “Seriously, this is  corrupt. And anyone who still supports the Pelosi-Reid-Obama agenda of  centralized government takeovers of the free market and the corresponding crony  capitalism is, in my book, complicit.”

President Barack Obama’s administration approved 204 new Obamacare waivers in  April. Thirty-eight of them went to upscale businesses including four-star  hotels, gourmet restaurants, day spas and hip nightclubs in Pelosi’s district.  That’s in addition to 27 new waivers for health care or drug companies and the 31 new union waivers Obama’s  Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) approved.
Other common waiver recipients were labor union chapters, large corporations,  financial firms and local governments. But Pelosi’s district’s waivers are the  first major examples of upscale, gourmet restaurants and hotels getting a  year-long pass from Obamacare.  (read more).
Pelosi Calls Criticism of ObamaCare Waiver Mania “Pathetic…  (ViaFoxNation) From her spokesman, Drew Hammill:

“It is pathetic that there are those who would be cheering for Americans to lose their minimum health coverage or see their premiums increase for political purposes. These waivers are reviewed and granted solely by the Administration in an open and transparent process so workers currently enrolled in ‘mini-med’ policies like those in San Francisco and across the country will not be punished and lose the minimum coverage they already have. These waivers will be eliminated in 2014 when Americans will have an opportunity to shop for affordable coverage on the health exchanges and will no longer be at the mercy of insurance companies placing coverage limits on policies”.
