OK, so this was the most wanted terrorist in the history of the world right?   This is a guy you would think who was constantly looking over his shoulder and being worried about his surroundings right?   Strangely it doesn’t appear so.  Quite the contrary the picture coming out is a guy who was comfortable in his surroundings, without guards at his side, and possessing all kinds of technology to continue his communications needs.
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney on Tuesday repeated the claim that bin Laden was not armed when U.S. forces arrived. He said only that bin Laden resisted — that could be a reference to the claim that the terror leader reached for a weapon moments before he was shot dead- but maybe not.
Other details about bin Laden’s compound suggest the Al Qaeda figurehead felt relatively secure in his posh surroundings.  There were no guards on site, according to a senior U.S. official.  And according to the official, bin Laden had a “treasure trove” of electronic material on site — more than one would expect from a terror leader worried about getting caught.
The assault force of Navy SEALs snatched a trove of computer drives and disks during  their weekend raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound, yielding what a U.S.  official called “the mother lode of intelligence.”  The special  operations forces grabbed personal computers, thumb drives and  electronic equipment during the lightning raid that killed bin Laden,  officials told POLITICO.  “They cleaned it out,” one official said. “Can you imagine what’s on Osama bin Laden’s hard drive?”
Well it looks like U.S. officials, the Pentagon, and the CIA are about to find out. The material is being examined at a secret location in Afghanistan.

“Hundreds of people are going through it now,” an official said,  adding that intelligence operatives back in Washington are very excited  to find out what they have. “It’s going to be great even if only 10 percent of it is actionable,” the official said.

Ayman al Zawahiri - al Qaeda's second bananna

Does anyone else beside me find it “unusual” that Osama Bin Laden was, by all appearances, hiding in plain sight?   It just seems beyond silly for the Pakistani government to claim they did not know his whereabouts.   Besides, if you were on the run, and ready to mobilize at a moments notice, would you have all that important intel right there with you in one place?   Think about it.  The reality of this picture is a far cry from what people had been drawing as a narrative for a long, long time.  I’m thinking that Osama’s second banana might not be too happy about taking the role of lead terrorist in charge of al-Qaeda right now.
