First the violent signs….. then the violent speech….. now calls for blood in the streets… BRING IT !! Democrat Rep. Mike Capuano to Unions: Emails Aren’t Enough, Time to “Get on the Streets and Get Bloody”…(NH Journal) — A Democratic Congressman from Massachusetts is raising the stakes in the nation’s fight over the future of public employee unions, saying emails aren’t enough to show support and that it is time to “get a little bloody.” 
I’m proud to be here with people who understand that it’s more than just sending an email to get you going. Every once and awhile you need to get out on the streets and get a little bloody when necessary,” Rep. Mike Capuano (D-Ma.) told a crowd in Boston on Tuesday rallying in solidarity for Wisconsin union members. (story)
Folks, you gotta get serious, I mean real serious right now about this stuff.  I could fill these pages with examples of how ridiculous this is getting, but time does not permit.  We cannot be in the street to shout these thugs down, and we shouldn’t be.  But, use every resource at your disposal to spread the word and show what they are doing.   Do not take it for granted that Mr. or Mrs. Average American has an understanding of what is going on.  The stakes are huge.  The lefty rage is growing, their ideology is driving them further and further down a progressive path of rabid rage.   Their ranks have hateful, intollerant, lying, violent people whipping them up and stirring the pot.  The media will protect them, and their violent actions, talk, signs, et al by not discussing.   WE MUST BE THE MEDIA.  We must show our neighbors and friends what is going on.
