Treeper “Bluto” attended the Donald Trump rally in Anaheim California and he shares his experience with us:

It’s a Movement – A POSITIVE Movement.

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*Sound of loud Record Scratching*
What?!? Bluto! What are you talking about? Didn’t you see the riots? Tear-gas & rocks! Lions, tigers & bears! Oh my! The gnashing of teeth, the spitting! Oh my God! OMG! The Piñata Boy & his Trump Doll!
Ummm…..nope. Remember? I don’t watch TV. But I did see a Lion. And yes, I did see Piñata Boy. But neither one of them was scary. Oh yes, Piñata Boy was laughing. Even Piñata Boy wasn’t impervious to the waves of Love wafting through the air. He didn’t fool ol’ Bluto, I saw him smiling. He was having fun too.
In fact, the only people I didn’t catch smiling were the Police & Secret Service who were constantly scanning the crowd. But that’s to be expected, they had a job to do – a very important job, and they did it well. After Tuesday’s display of Soros-Paid SuperTards On Parade in New Mexico and the subsequent lock-step Feinting and Contrived Horror Play-Acting of the MSM, who could blame them for being serious? Not me. Thank you Mr. Serious Officer, I felt safe today.
bluto 4It’s okay, we can talk about the police presence. It’s a good thing. The security at the Anaheim Convention Center was the foundation that our little Love-Fest built it’s temporary nest on today. I arrived early this morning, after a 3 hour drive from Bluto’s Mountain Delta House in the Sky, and the first thing I noticed as I passed the Convention Center was a row of Motorcycle Cops & a Police K9 Truck. Ahh…relief.
I had heard the radio reports of Kooks Gone Wild in Albuquerque and wondered what it would be like here in California. As I drove ‘round to the parking structure it was evident they weren’t messing around. Police and security were present at every turn. Even when we left the rally, we could hear the Helicopter & the megaphone warning, “We’re not gonna Mickey-Mouse with your Goofy Nonsense today. Git goin’ ya rascals!” Not messing with Disneyland! It’s the life-blood of their community, oh dear, dare I say money & jobs? Yes I do!
Hmm….I can hear some of the readers saying, “Bluto, Bluto! Enough silliness! When are you going to talk about Trump??” Well, actually, I’m not really going to talk much about Trump today. Oh sure, he’s the star of the show for the most part, but today I feel like focusing on the secondary co-stars – the voters, us – The Trump Supporters. Trump’s already been analyzed, poked & prodded, declared dead & risen to beyond and back again. I can’t even think of competing with that vast body of work.
So I won’t.
I want to talk about the people I met today, the lovely & varied people riding the Trump Train here in California. As a secondary intention, I want to help dispel the MSM’s narrative of Trump supporters. Not by attacking the Media (those of you that are regular Treehouse readers know my two favorite hobbies are drinking & attacking the media, so it is a Herculean task for me not to bash them every chance I get). No, I will not attack them overtly. Today I’ll use Sundance’s weapon of choice: Sunlight. Just tell the story. Oh yes, the story has Trump too! Don’t fret!
Small disclaimer: The following stories are told thru the warped mind of Bluto. I am not a reporter, just a guy having fun at a rally. If any of the people I met today are reading this, I truly tried my best to relay your story accurately. Thank you for your cheer & kindness to a fellow traveler.
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And away we go!
I arrived 5 hours early for the event as I wanted to ensure attendance and also to meet and talk to my newfound brethren of Trump Supporters. After passing thru a maze of light security check-points, hallways & an escalator we were directed to a large hall. Here we were instructed to wait until the auditorium was ready. So here I stood for several hours, smiling, laughing and chatting it up with all the other gregarious attendees.
The first person I met was Radio Interview Dude. Radio Interview Dude was attending under the excellent ruse of covering the rally. I was naturally suspicious. I figured he was a Trump supporter just pretending to be Radio Interview Dude so his employer would pay him to have fun with all us happy Trumpsters.
I wasn’t too wrong, as he did appear to reveal a little Trump support to me, although subtle. RadioDude chatted a bit with me, then asked politely if he could interview me. Me & my big mouth could not say no. He asked a few questions and we both spoke into his microphone. It was fun! We both smiled. How could we not? Right?
Like nearly all the attendees, RadioDude was respectful & well mannered. Over the next 2 hours, he would flit off to interview somebody, then quietly return to his place in line next to ol’ Bluto. That was pretty cool! I was able to see & hear him interview the people around me as he slowly gained their trust. It was so much fun hearing what they had to say to Radio Interview Dude. Dude was good too. He asked different questions and tailored them to each type of attendee. In between interviews, we would chat a bit. I grew fond of RadioDude. I think he liked me too. Feeling the love yet?
trump hard hatNext I met Mr. Teamster. What? Huh? Nah……not Mr. Teamster! According to my Propaganda TV Masters on High, Mr. Teamster would never be here next to Bluto at a Trump Rally. Surely he’s just too much a stupid, knuckle-dragging teamster & thought it was a Hillary rally!
Not so fast!
He’s smart, he’s sharp and he’s smiling ear to ear. He’s not lost. He came here on purpose and he even brought his family! Oh yeah, I’m definitely feeling the love now.
Mr. Teamster’s most memorable attribute was his giant, contagious smile and hearty laugh. He was just so damn happy to be here with his kids in tow: a young adult woman, his Bitchin’ Bartender Son and a younger, quiet teenage son. The young son & daughter were fairly quiet during our time in line, but Mr. T & Bitchin’ Bartender opened up and spoke to me quite a lot. They both told me of their pathway to Trump.
Bartender told me he was originally a Ben Carson supporter and had attended a Carson rally at the same Anaheim venue. He cheerfully told me how much fun the Carson rally was, and implored & promised me, the Trump rally was going to even be better. Although he was initially disappointed in Carson’s exit, he had now fully embraced the TrumpTrain. He was particularly keen on Trump’s plan to secure the border.
Being a Californian, he was acutely aware of the State’s odd addiction of throwing compassion money at the invasion of illegals. He worked his butt off everyday & was peeved that his hard earned money was being taken & redistributed to illegals. He exclaimed, “I didn’t get off from work until 2 in the morning, and I wasn’t missing this!” (He probably had a mere 3 or 4 hours sleep. Geez!) Sure there was a tinge of bitterness, but it was overridden by the hopefulness and joy that FINALLY somebody was really willing to tackle the decades old border problem. Somebody that wouldn’t back down, no matter what. The smiles returned to his face again & again. He particularly liked chanting U-S-A, U-S-A, U-S-A & mocking the Piñata Boy protester. Oh, I just realized I need to tell the Piñata Boy story. Beer anybody?
As the people slowly streamed into the Yuge waiting hall, a few protesters were allowed entry. No biggie! Everyone remained generally respectful, yet still gleefully mocked & ribbed the few that arrived.
Enter Piñata Boy. For whatever reason, the initial Security Team allowed him to bring in his Trumpy Piñata, with long wooden stick attached. Secret Service immediately swooped in and confiscated his stick, but let him keep his doll….err…”action figure”…err…I meant Piñata.
It was funny! Everybody was laughing, even Piñata Boy. Then came Piñata Boy’s fatal error: Distributing vulgar posters. He had a stack of vile posters depicting Trump as a cartoony beast doing unspeakable, nasty things to another beast that looked like Hillary. Before I could take a picture for our readers, Security appeared, took one look at the poster and “Out-Out-Out with the Remnant”. The crowd cheered & jeered and everybody had a good laugh. Even Vile Poster Guy couldn’t get us down.
Now back to Mr. Teamster. Mr. T confided that most of his fellow Teamsters were on the Trump Train as he flashed his big smile again. He continued to tell me he had always voted Democrat, because that’s what Teamsters did. He was finally fed up & just couldn’t take it any longer. 100% Team Trump now & nothing would shake him. “But what about the rest?” I asked, “Are they for Hillary??”.
“No! Not one.” He replied with yet another grin. “Maybe 60% are steadfast for Trump. The remaining are Bernie supporters. But if Bernie doesn’t make it, they’re going to vote Trump. No question about it, to the last man.”
Wow! California Teamsters in Smiling Mr. T’s team are going TrumpTrain. Cool. Oh, dear. I’m loving this. Love is in the air!
So we’re all stoked about the Teamsters & still laughing about the Piñata, and then RadioDude starts his next interview with 3 razor-sharp USC students behind us. They had been very animated since joining the line, regaling us with stories of the Costa Mesa rally and mocking the Media’s narrative that Trump supporters are not educated.
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These young men were smart cookies! The most vocal of the three took the lead on the interview and proceeded to eloquently rattle off answers as we all listened. I can’t recall exactly what he said, but I do remember RadioDude chuckling at the end of the interview and saying, “Oh you’re a great character! Good job.” The good vibes were nearly reaching the fabled Nigel Tufnel Level Eleven. Nice!
So we’re all laughing, having a good time now and I strike up a conversation with a tall, young bearded man to the front of us. He had spent much of his time reading the news on his phone & texting his friends who didn’t make the trip with him. Like me, he was attending the rally alone.
He told me he initially hadn’t planned on attending, but after the disgusting display in New Mexico and the resultant media feeding frenzy, he changed his mind. “No way! I’m not letting them scare me off!” he exclaimed, “That crap is having the opposite effect. It’s making us more steely in our support.” I heartily agreed with The Beard.
The Beard then went on to tell me stories of his friends & co-workers. Not one of them was a Trump Supporter, but because The Beard had gained their trust and admiration over the years, he told me they respected his decision.
As we continued to converse, I realized he was very, very well informed. Ol’ Bluto was impressed. Just as we were really getting warmed up, security started ushering us into the main auditorium. We both stayed together as the masses moved through metal detectors & the final security check-point. The Beard was cool, and we stayed together throughout the remainder of the Rally. Sadly, in the last minute crush of the crowd, I never got to bid farewell to The Beard. So, dude, if you’re reading this, Bluto salutes you & respects The Beard.
So here we are, all of us packed into the main auditorium and it’s only 10 O’clock. Holy Moly Caped Crusaders! Batman isn’t coming for at least 2 more hours! It’s Hot! I’m burning up – I start feeling woozy. I’ve had, maybe 2 1/2 hours sleep tops & I was starting to feel it.
So I take off my sport-coat (yeah, crazy…Bluto’s wearing a coat & tie. I dunno, I just kept thinking how Trump ALWAYS wears a coat & tie, so I thought, what the heck. I’ll do it out of respect for The Man. Yeah, I know. I’m a nut, but y’all already knew that). Where was I? Oh yeah, sport-coat off. I was starting to think I might have to wimp out and go grab a seat with the Girly-Men. Then I grab some papers in my coat-pocket & use them as a crude fan. Weird, I start to feel some heavy air-flow behind me. Huh? I turn around, and I see this petite & adorable 50-something Blonde woman with a big Trump Sign in her hands and she’s fanning me with a smile! We both start laughing and all of the sudden, Bluto’s feeling better.
Now don’t go all silly on me. Blondie wasn’t hitting on me, it’s just the Great Trump Rally Energy. Everybody is feeling it. Even a big hulk of a man in front of me, kept turning my way saying, “I can feel the energy. It’s palpable…it’s in the air” The Goliath felt it, we all did. On a side note, Goliath told me he was formerly a Cruz supporter! See? Trump’s winning them over. Chill out CruzBots, if the Goliath can get over it, you most certainly can.
So, back to Blondie. Turns out Blondie is married & has grown children. (See I told you!) Her Trump story was hatred of Obamacare. She relayed to me how she was forced to go on the ACA and how it was utterly & pathetically worthless. Her husband is self-employed & there were no other options. Their Premiums are thru the roof and with a $9,000 deductible, they still have to pay for all doctors visits.
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Get this: She was so desperate & worried about paying for extra medications, she dieted and lost 20 lbs. Oh sure, that’s good she lost the weight, but it just illustrates how worthless the care is. She’s in fear, not cool. So this was Blondie’s pet issue. Add insult to injury, she has libtard acquaintances lecturing her that what’s happening to her really isn’t happening. Good grief! All aboard the Trump Train, baby, we’ve got room.
Now that my temporary case of the woozies had passed, I started to look around at the crowd. Wow! So many young people here. Every which way I looked, there were girls & boys smiling, chatting & laughing. I spoke to many of them and told them how nice it was to see so many young people here.
Maybe they thought old man Bluto was a bit odd speaking that way, but they didn’t show it. On the contrary, they just lit up all the more and took it as a Grand Compliment. One handsome young man became very excited to speak to me, and confessed, “Yeah, I’m a millennial” with a grimace and hint of disdain.
Mr. Millennial was full of enthusiasm at the prospect of seeing Trump, and could hardly contain his excitement. He quickly shared with me his litany of reasons why he supported our Man with a heavy focus on Guns. As he spoke to me, he could see my eyes light up in agreement, and his thoughts turned to his peers.
Mr. Millennial was disgusted that his generation has been tainted by the more flamboyant members, Social Justice Warriors & Uber-sensitive Safe-Spacers. He beamed with pride as he relayed how his parents raised him properly and the more vocal Flake-Oids we see on TV don’t represent all millennials – not even close.
Hearing this centered young man speak reminded me of my nephews – smart young men that have been painted by the dishonest & sensationalist-driven media as whiny Beta-Males confused about their gender & curled up into little balls of wussy tears. Nothing could be further from the truth! This was A MAN and his candor & demeanor reminded me instantly of my own family. Did I say this was a Love Fest? You bet your damn ass it is!
We still had an hour or more to go, and the crowd kept filling in around us. As we slowly moved closer together I found myself pushed next to a group of women, nice! There were definitely lots of women here – oh, yeah, California Girls – you know it! This group was a “Latinas For Trump” band, full of smiles and great energy.
They even organized a “Latinas For Trump” sign display that Trump acknowledged during his speech. Man, it *was* getting hotter by the second – Blondie behind me & more gals in front. I needed some water! We’ll return to Latina gal later.
I had to go find water. So off I went, asking my neighbors & people behind me to save my spot. Everyone was so courteous & friendly. No worries!
At first I was just going to hit the drinking fountain, but then changed my mind. I’m going to bring water back to all my new friends. So I gathered an armful of water bottles, then to my surprise, no bottles allowed. Darn. Wait! They had large cups & a cardboard cuppy-tray. I quickly filled up four large plastic cups, paid & hurried back to my spot.
“Look everyone! Here, have some water!”
They all turned around in surprise & thanks. We grabbed our cups and shared some much needed hydration. As Blondie took a sip from my cup, she exclaimed, “It’s like being in church. All of us sharing a cup”. Love Fest.
Finally the event begins. Before Trump comes on stage, we are led in the Pledge of Allegiance. A fiery preacher, whips the crowd up. Stephen Miller reads Hillary stories to us. And a group of mothers that lost their children to illegals broke our hearts. As one of the mothers spoke, I could sense one of the Latina Gals suppress her sobs & sniffles. Excuse me, I have some dust in my eye or something…..
Energetic music is piped into the auditorium and The Man enters the stage, smiling & waving as everybody cheers. Fun! But before he digs his teeth into today’s speech, he waves a group of beautiful, well-dressed “Women for Trump” on stage.
Trump rally anaheim 4 anthemMore women! Is Bluto in Heaven? Before I can answer, yet another gorgeous gal is ushered on stage to sing our National Anthem, as Trump holds hand over heart, singing quietly behind her. We all joined in and I don’t think there was a dry eye in the place…..well, maybe the media gaggle behind us. Oh am I being mean again? I’m admonished!
Of course Trump performs a rousing & entertaining speech for us. I won’t bore you with my interpretation. If you want to see the details, you can watch it on YouTube. Heck, most of you have already seen it and know it. What you don’t know is the people & their stories I’ve just shared.
What the media doesn’t show is OUR stories. We’re everybody – young and old, of all races, colors & creed. Americans. United. Remember that? Yeah, I know you do! Maybe we’re just too darn boring or too old-fashioned. The media would rather focus on nitwits burning Flags rather than those of us on the inside Pledging to the Flag.
Another thing the media doesn’t show is Trump’s delayed departure from the auditorium. Surrounded by a Grim-Man-Cluster of Secret Service Agents, Trump stays a good 20 minutes for his supporters after the speech. He slowly moves around the barrier, shaking hands, signing articles, smiling, joking and talking to us.
Bluto tried to get his “Trump List” signed, but the crowd was just too thick, almost like a mosh-pit. Quick! Somebody alert Cuck-Boy Ben Shapiro & Bimbo Fields Forever, we’ve all been assaulted!
As we all started to exit the venue, we passed an exuberant “Latinos For Trump” man. At the exit doors he planted himself, sign in hand, high-fiving each of us as we left the building. Love Fest.
bluto 3Basking in the glow of the day, I slowly meandered to the parking structure. I passed another group of young girls, sitting & laughing, so cute! Then I bumped into our Latina Gal, remember her, the one who organized the “Latinas For Trump” signs?
I told you we’d get back to her. We talked as we rode down the escalator & walked down the long hallways. As we proceeded I asked her, “Where are you from?” (meaning, where in California) and she quickly & proudly replied, “MEXICO!”. Then she happily opened up to me and said, “I like to say, I was Made In Mexico, but Built In America”. Great! I love it!
As we talked, she told me of her pathway to Trump. She was previously a democrat. She voted for Obama the first round, but felt he totally disrespected Latinos in his words and actions. Fast forward to today, she is steadfast in her support of Trump. It was so pleasant to talk to her and listen to her share her story. Yeah, today was definitely a Love Fest in every sense of the word.
As I drove home through the windy mountain roads of California, my thoughts wandered and I kept feeling the Love. The Love for my newfound friends, Love for my family, the Love for my beautiful wife, my family, my home and Love of Country.
I always tell people I’m staying in California because I Love it, and it’s worth saving. My experience today is testament to that. It IS worth saving! So is our Country. If the Love Fest I experienced today is any indication, I truly believe we’re on our way.
Do you feel the Love?
I do.
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