I hate writing posts like these because they simply waste time, effort, resources and ensure the overall discussions are taken off topic.  However, unfortunately this is desperately needed because far too many people are falling into (transparently predictable) political traps.
trollinternetWith the increased importance of all communication platforms, there are now entire industries of paid agents who receive compensation for trolling the internet.
They are paid marketers and paid disrupters who write comments throughout various web-based media platforms because it is their job.  There is an entire business model behind it.
Hillary Clinton’s PAC’s were recently called out for spending millions on paid political agents/operatives to attack her opponents on various media platforms.  Today they are attacking any venue carrying a majority of Bernie Sanders supporters.  Their goal is to divide and demoralize their opponent’s supporters – and it’s working(<– Today)
Similarly, the same activity is happening on the republican side.   Today was predicted to be a good day for candidate Donald Trump.  It is not accidental that every political entity, every political adversary, in every venue, all day, from morning to night, is pushing negative stories about Donald Trump.  This is transparently by design.  Again, the goal is complete demoralization of their opponent and to turn a day of joyful victory into a day of concern and anxiety
Matt Drudge warned about this six months ago.  Drudge predicted this exact scenario and warned everyone what to expect in 2016.  Unfortunately, massive numbers of viewership and readership cannot discern when they are being psychologically targeted and they are falling prey to the manipulative intents.
Your adversaries target your emotion, not your logic.  Their goal never changes: Isolate, ridicule, marginalize and ultimately create fear.
It is important to ask yourself questions and train your mind not to fall prey to the tactics. Remember, these are people paid to carry out a script – YOU are their intended target.  Before you react to anything ask yourself: Why is this happening now?  What is the intent?
They also want you to exponentially increase their effectiveness by sharing that same message to others.  When you innocently bring their agenda, platform and taking points, into a forum you are spreading their message.
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