Here’s the results:

Nevada results

We’ve been using/sharing a very specific election graphic for around six months.  Take a good look at it again, because last night brings a particular clarity about it:

trump lion

Three days ago the Democrats held their caucus primary election in Nevada.  Approximately 12,000 Democrats turned out on Saturday to vote in the caucus.

Last night, a Tuesday evening,  75,000+ Republicans showed up to caucus. That’s six times as many people turned out for the Republican caucus than the Democrat caucus three days earlier. Who has the enthusiasm?

In 2012 approximately 36,000 Republicans participated in the primary caucus.  Last night more than double the 2012 amount came out to caucus/vote (75,000).  Who has the enthusiasm?

In South Carolina the turnout for the Republican primary vote increased more than 20% over the 2012 primary turnout.  More than 132,000 more Republican voters than 2012.  (2012 Turnout 608,000 -vs- 2016 Turnout 740,000 – LINK).

Last night, again in Nevada, more than 35,000 people voted for Donald Trump and he won going away with 46% of the vote.  That means three times more people voted for Donald Trump than voted three days earlier for Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders combined.

Those are the stats, but that is not the whole story.

Look closely again at this graphic:

trump lion

Here’s something the media, or the various punditry will not discuss.

The regular Romney-type republicans voted for Marco Rubio, as normal (17,940).  The regular social conservative-types voted for Ted Cruz, again as normal (16,079).  The traditional party voters came out and voted for their traditional party candidate just like they did in 2012, and just like they did in 2008 previously.

All comparables being historically comparable….  However, what was different in Nevada last night was the addition of 38,000 more primary voters (than 2012) who went to caucus specifically and almost exclusively for Donald J Trump.

The same thing happened in South Carolina where Donald Trump won by more than 74,000 votes.  (Trump total 239,851).  The same thing happened in New Hampshire.

The U.S. electorate is showing up in record numbers not to vote against Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, or previously Jeb Bush et al.  No, those internal republican ideologies -and the candidates who represent them- are getting the exact same number of historic raw votes.

trump smile 3What is different in 2016 is the U.S. electorate showing up in record numbers to vote FOR Donald J Trump.

Trump is entirely correct, he has coalesced a previously quiet and invisible – “silent majority”.  The difference is now they are visible and not silent.

In Iowa, then New Hampshire, then South Carolina, and last night Nevada, tens of thousands of Americans who did not participate in primary races before are completely engaged in the primary race of 2016 specifically to nominate Donald Trump.

Statistically there is no diminishment in the GOPe (establishment) republican voter; nor is there any diminishment in historical comparisons of the social conservative voter.  What we are seeing is an entirely new coalition of primary voters.

Donald Trump’s “common sense” conservative coalition.

Additionally, beyond the entire vote assembly itself, if you extract the data from second place preference surveys. and drill it down to a two-man race (just like the pundits keep demanding), and either Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz facing off one-on-one against Donald Trump – what you find is Trump wins over either in a spread approximately 60/40.

It is time the professional political class accept this reality.

~ As Previously Requested ~

Lastly, in 2014 the RNC said they were going to limit the number of debates to insure the media could not damage our candidate. Reince Priebus said only “6 to 10 all before March 2016“.   However, here we are in 2016 and the same RNC is now desperate to keep adding more and more debates.  Ten have passed and 13 currently scheduled

What changed?

Perhaps damaging the candidate is now the preferred, and necessary, course?


