Two simultaneously conducted polls within Iowa show candidate Donald Trump back on top with Ted Cruz running a close second.

Quinnipiac polling (full pdf below) shows Trump leading 31 to 29. The American Research Group (poll here) shows Trump leading Cruz 29 to 25. Both polls show both candidates closely spaced within the polling margin of error.  The only other candidate with a reasonable chance appears to be Marco Rubio who holds 15% (Q-Pac) and 10% (ARG).


It is safe to say that Iowa is a two-man race between Ted Cruz and Donald Trump, with Marco Rubio holding a solid, but distant, third place position.  Jeb Bush and the rest of the candidates are down in low single digits in both polls.

Here’s the Full Poll Data from Quinnipiac:

[scribd id=295161363 key=key-Yom5OsU8HcYaRBZtO9Ep mode=scroll]

The qualifiers for the next Fox Business News GOP debate do allow for this Quinnipiac poll to be considered.  Those qualifiers, as previously published, allow the top six candidates nationally, and/or, a candidate who achieves a top five position in Iowa or New Hampshire.  Chris Christie is in fifth place in this current Iowa result.

In addition a second poll from the American Research Group was also conducted at the same time – See Here –  This is the top line result from the ARG poll:

arg poll iowa

trump cruz 2

The internals within the ARG Poll are interesting.
