As a general matter we tend to focus most of our research toward the machinations on the other side of the coin, the RNC/GOPe side.  However, for Bernie Sanders supporters there is some commonality.
Did you notice that ever since Hillary Clinton’s worsening poll numbers the Wall Street financiers, who control the optics of mainstream media presentations, are now refusing to show head-to-head match-ups between Hillary and Bernie Sanders?
In every poll now (see below for yet another example) the media polling company includes Joe Biden as a possible candidate.  This is not accidental, it’s actually by design.  By adding Joe Biden the MSM can water down the Bernie support optic (he’s crushing her) and make it seem ‘as if’ Hillary has better polling than reality provides.
Biden Clinton Sanders
Wall Street is nothing if not predictable.  We’ve outlined exhaustively the goal to have a Hillary Clinton VS Jeb Bush election in 2016.  It is their Win/Win.
The powers and influence want Bush and Hillary because they are both sides of the same coin.  The media is doing their part to facilitate their demands.  The financial crowd always seeks to control all the outcomes in their favor – they avoid risk that way.
Another example of the manipulation was last week when Bernie beat Hillary in a New Hampshire poll.  The actual margin of victory for Sanders was 11 points (49-38); but the media only focused on the part of the poll where Biden was added and the margin for Bernie was 9 points (41-32).

Here’s the way the media sold it:

nbc screenshot bernie

But Here’s the Actual Poll Result:

hillary vs biden poll new hampshire
You guys on Team Bernie are up against identical media manipulation as those folks on Team Trump.  It’s brutally transparent when you know what you are looking at.
If the conservative base, and common sense patriots, of the Republican party keeps supporting Donald Trump the Wall Street folks will move quickly to remove Hillary; but they’ll never allow Bernie – that’s why the Biden angle is looming.
You guys -on the Bernie Sanders team- and us, are both facing a common enemy, Wall Street.   Bernie Sanders is being marginalized in the same manner that enemy wishes to marginalize Donald Trump – for essentially the same reason.
All the best,
Team Freedom !
