Discussing a push-back victory against the left on Tuesday, we’re struck by the following reality:

912-teaparty-dc-09President Obama and his ideological co-horts have, presumably, pulled the Democrat party further left -toward bigger government- than previous.
For the sake of argument, ok, accepted.
However, the establishment Decepticon class has similarly, and over essentially the same period, also pulled the Republican party further left toward big government.
If the correction for Democrats is a more “moderate” position, essentially as “Clintonian” and outlined in the modern punditry, pushing back toward the center – then where exactly is the countering force pushing the Republican side similarly rightward, back toward a more principled conservative foundation?
It’s doubtful we will find that correction in the form of a returning Mitch McConnell class.
This is not to say that anyone shouldn’t get up and push back against the leftist horde, quite the opposite.  Everyone should vote for the candidate they feel is *closest* to their preferred outlook and values.
But if, in doing so, the category of politicians called Republicans are given additional power  – we should work even harder to hold them to account.
Someone has to provide the pressure to push the balance back in the direction of the principled common sense conservatism.
Sometimes victory is only the beginning.
Constitutional Fulcrum
