There is a lot of information on the prior day’s discussion thread. Unfortunately much of it is difficult to understand because of the presentation.
The YouTube ID of n8XA6ajUiBQ?list=PLRbnuZeuZp02BLAL_mOg-G1EpUdbeNBy2 is invalid.
Note to contributors, please take time to make sure what your mind is saying is clearly evident in your expressed thoughts. Just because YOU understand it, doesn’t mean anyone else has a clue what you are talking about. When you ask for opinion, and no-one understands what you are trying to convey, no-one responds because of the challenging context. Numerous e-mails requesting this specific point be brought up.
Avoid using “they”, “he”, “she”, “their” etc. Use real names to avoid confusion. Quality = Clarity.
Comment Paragraphs of no more than two sentences help readership, and understanding/absorption. If you have something lengthy to say, do not put up one big block of text, break it up into paragraphs. Also, avoid using initials unless you have previously typed out the name in the paragraph before the use of initials. Please use full names, first and last when possible.
If you are trying to post a link, picture, video etc etc. Each url must be on a separate line of text, within the comment, with a clear line above it, and a clear line below it, in order for the link, picture, video, etc to format and display.
If you screw up a comment, or notice you screwed up a comment after posting, do not respond to yourself saying you screwed it up.
Because we use nesting comment format we cannot delete block origination comments without screwing up the entire thread.   If an initial comment is deleted all following comments will not nest. So if you screw up, just redo it/submit it again “as if” it is a new comment block.
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When you are referencing a comment from an earlier days/weeks/months thread, use the URL link that each comment generates as a reference point for others. You find that url in the day/date/time of each comment (right click, copy/paste if needed). You can also bookmark those comment url’s if you want to revisit later.
From what I can gather, the consensus is Tiffany Mitchell was parked in the same location the Black Canseco video was filmed. Additionally, it is now determined that Dorian Johnson was in Tiffany Mitchell’s car when she left that location – is this correct? Time? Where did they go? etc.
Several people are saying their is an entire background conversation with Dorian Johnson within the previous video’s posted by Froggie. Many people are attempting, or have actually, transcribed that conversation, yet none of the segments are in order; and all of the transcribed attempts are all over the place.
Again Quality = Clarity.
This should be enjoyable research building upon each individually located puzzle bit.
It should not be frustrating to comprehend.
It takes everyone’s individual effort to insure each contribution, opinion, question etc. is clear, concise and adds value.
I would suggest everyone scroll through Sunday 9/7/14 Mike Brown thread and see what can be pieced together and made into value from the data shared.
