It has begun

WATCH – The media mantra will start it out slow,…
as the primary closes – their voices will grow.
He’s the only one possible, or reasonable they’ll say…
if the people don’t pick him – they’ll soon rue the day.

He’s the winner you need – they will tell you all night…
he must be supported, he’s the moderate right.
The Establishment Con’s will all follow the story….
And Drudge will jump in with the fat guy’s full glory.

The others are bad, extremist, jihadists and such….
your chances are better with a governors touch.
As debates are beginning, he’ll be at center stage….
Then Ann Coulter will tell you Amnesty’s the new rage.

The Bush’s and Romney’s will sing all his praises…
McConnell, McRino and Lyndsey McDaisies.
But the Hobbits are angry, disgusted and pissed…
not again, no not ever, this Christie’s dismissed.
