I was wondering when someone was going to pick up on this aspect of President Obama’s speech at National Defense University last Thursday.    POTUS was calling for “increased oversight” over drone use.   HIS drone use.

Glad to see the words and intent of the President did not escape at least one reporter, Brit Hume:

Fox News senior political analyst Brit Hume thinks it is very peculiar for President Barack Obama to call for executive power to be scaled back.

Hume noted on Fox News Sunday that Obama had “made generous use of” drone strikes.

“There’s an odd quality to this whole thing, and it is almost like he’s saying, with regard to the drone policy, ‘We need something to stop me before I kill again,’” he explained. “We can see that in his support on an unrelated matter on the shield law for journalists. He’s carried out these oversteps in pursuing journalists who are doing their job, and now he says ‘we need a shield law,’ as if to say we need a law to protect them from us.”
