The Daily Mail has a good roundup of the last moments of Chris Dorner here.   Additionally, it does appear the “intent” was to burn him out of the cabin from the sounds and directions of the SWAT team around the building.  (video below)  But is that really an issue?

Given the fact fugitive Dorner was firing at them, it does not appear they had any option other than to engage with force to stop being shot at.   Hence the flaw in comparing this event to Waco when the FBI/ATF had the option to wait.  Am I missing something?

[…] According to one report, furious SWAT  officers shouted ‘burn that f****** house down!’ before the cabin went up in  flames.

An armored police vehicle knocked down the  walls of the cabin in an attempt to smoke Dorner out.

It was revealed on Wednesday afternoon that  police used incendiary tear gas canisters – which are known to cause  fires.   The CS gas canisters are similar to the type  that caused the 1993 blaze in Waco, Texas, that killed 76 members of the Branch  Davidian cult.  (read more)

What do you think.  Were the police wrong in what they did?
