Put this in the Morale Booster section.   We The People, the patriotic people are in the majority; and the message we will deliver in November 2012 will be so strong.  We will not go gently into that bloody collectivist good night. Indeed, we will make with our defiance such a sound as ALL history from that day forward will be forced to note, even if they despise us in the writing of it.

Prof Jacobson posts this upon his site:

Wow.  Just Wow at the reaction.  I never imagined that Empty Chair Day would sweep the nation, take over Twitter, makes its way to the banner headline at Drudge and stories at The Wall Street Journal and elsewhere.

There obviously is a deep grassroots desire to be heard and to be heard against Obama.

The flood of photos sent to me and posted on Facebook and Twitter speaks volumes to what is not being picked up in the polls and mainstream media.  Anyone who thought we were not motivated has missed the picture completely.

While we should not be overly confident, I think I can see 2010 from my empty lawn chair.

Another good thing was that the rollout showed how we can harness social media as a motivating format, and the role even itsy bitsy part-time blogs can play in providing the missing link.

As readers know, this whole shebang started with a reader tip to me Saturday Night, my spotting a handful of tweets about it, some very timely efforts linking to me by Prof. Glenn Reynolds and Michael Patrick Leahy at Breitbart.com, and off it went.  Others picked up on it either from those links or independently, and before you knew it, within about 24 hours its viral.

And all it took was that missing link connecting a reader to a small blog to bigger blogs who have the megaphones necessary to get the word out.

The role of lighting a fire and then seeing others fan the flames is one I’ve come to cherish here.

Apparently, the response was OVERWHELMING – Read The Outcome
