Understand How Significant This Is

FLASHBACK – in October 2011 Obama specifically stated he was not informed of the Department of Justice operation known as Fast and Furious.

There was no ambiguity in this claim from President Obama circa October 6th 2011. He specifically and with unambiguous specificity stated he was unaware of the Fast and Furious operation (see video above).   Yet today, in an effort to protect Eric Holder, President Obama invokes executive privilege.

WASHINGTON DC – President Obama has granted an 11th-hour request by Attorney General Eric Holder to exert executive privilege over Fast and Furious documents, a last-minute maneuver that appears unlikely to head off a contempt vote against Holder by Republicans in the House.

Which begs the obvious question the media will not challenge the President on:

How can President Obama possibly assert executive privilege over internal deliberations he has previously claimed didn’t exist?
