Most of us have narcissistic traits, and a certain degree of self-interest is healthy. But at what point does self-absorption become pathological narcissism?
Michelle Obama on Swimsuit Woes, Bedtime with the President, And Wanting to be Beyoncé Fashionista  – [A]s it happens, Mrs. O’s personal rule is not too much an inconvenience, since the super-sporty First Lady is not much of a swimmer. “I won’t drown,” she said, “But you won’t see me doing laps in the pool.” Of course, that’s probably just about the only exercise she doesn’t excel at — and while her husband may be the President of the United States, MOBama says she can still kick his butt when it comes to working out. “[We don’t compete at the gym] anymore, because I’m in way better shape than he is,” she said.
In the interview, Michelle also confirms suspicions that her and Barack are indeed the cutest freaking couple in the universe. “We have a ritual where he tucks me in, because I’m usually in bed before anybody,” she said. “He’ll come and turn the lights out and give me a kiss and we’ll talk. He’s like, ‘Ready to be tucked?’ I’m like, ‘Yes I am.”
When asked who she would be if she had to be someone else, Michelle said: “I’d be Beyoncé.” Considering the pop star once penned an open letter of admiration for the First Lady, it’s safe to say the feeling is mutual. Now let’s all just cross our fingers for a Freaky Friday-type incident.  (more)
