The Daily Caller has identified a second Twitter handle that was used by the late Trayvon  Martin during the last weeks of 2011.  Tweeting in December under the name “T33ZY TAUGHT M3,” Martin sent a message that read, “Plzz shoot da #mf dat lied  2 u!”

It’s unclear who Martin intended the message for, or whether he intended it  to be taken literally.
The photo Martin chose to represent himself on Twitter as “T33ZY TAUGHT M3″ depicts him in a black Polo cap, looking  into the camera and extending his middle finger. The photo’s file name on  Twitter’s server indicates that it was taken on the afternoon of June 17,  2010.
At least one website issued a retraction this week after mistakenly linking  Martin to a middle-finger-salute image on a Facebook account corresponding to a  Georgia teenager who shares Martin’s name. This image, however, was uploaded to  Twitter by the teen himself.  (read more)
