This is not a joke.  This is a real situation happening in St Louis right now.   A school district is requiring students to wear activity monitors so they can track their exercise regime.    Anyone ever heard the term “slippery slope”?…..

Saint Louis – When is the line crossed between better health and surveillance?  In early 2012, wristwatch-like devices called Polar active monitors will be  used by older students in PE classes at all 18 Parkway elementary schools.  District officials say the devices should help improve the students’ fitness and  academic achievement.

Later this school year, the district plans to collect data about activity  levels and even sleep patterns for a week at a time. It will have the students  wear the devices round the clock.  Some parents and legal experts are raising privacy concerns about at least  that aspect of the program.

The project – Ron Ramspott, coordinator of health, outdoor and physical education for  Parkway, said a pilot project started in April provided the monitors during  physical education classes to students at Henry and Ross elementary schools.  Shenandoah Valley Elementary School in Chesterfield joined the pilot in  August.

At the district’s Dec. 7 Board of Education meeting, the board approved  expanding the project beyond the pilot phase. For the program starting this year  at all elementary schools, the district will target grades four and five  initially, Ramspott said.

The monitors measure activity by tracking every movement of the person  wearing them. They display steps taken, calories spent and time spent at various  levels of activity. An animated figure on the monitor indicates the activity  level. A bar shows the target time for doing moderate to vigorous activity and  the amount of time achieved at that level.

Under the pilot program, the three schools each received 25 monitors, which  cost $90 apiece. The monitors have been rotated among third-, fourth- and  fifth-graders in physical education classes.

Each of the district’s elementary schools will receive 25 monitors in January  and begin using them in PE class.

However, the focus of the monitors’ use will change gradually, so that by the  end of the year students will continually wear the monitors for a full week at a  time to assess activity levels.

“We want to be able to look at both physical activity and sleep patterns,”  Ramspott said. “We also want to see how various activity levels correlate to  student achievement and behavior.”

Concerns of parents – Ramspott said Parkway will require parental consent to participate largely  because of the responsibility of caring for the monitors.

“We haven’t had any parents refuse to participate at this point as we have  only used them in PE classes,” Ramspott said.

But some parents and others insist they have concerns.

Beth Huebner, PTO co-president at Ross and mother of sons in first and fourth  grades, said she wasn’t aware of her older child wearing one of the devices and  she was never asked for consent.

“I’d want to see data generated to help me understand calories burned and  sleep patterns,” said Huebner, a professor at the University of Missouri-St.  Louis. “I would ask the district tell me about it particularly if the  information would be used for district analysis.”

Cara Bauer, PTO president at Shenandoah Valley and mother of a son in first  grade and a daughter in fifth grade, said she’s heard about the monitors from  her daughter, Caroline. She said her daughter doesn’t like wearing one and calls  them “the funny watch.”

“I wish Parkway would let parents know what’s going on with the program,”  Bauer said. “I feel they’re getting into privacy issues, into people’s personal  lives, when they have to be worn at home. That kind of makes me a little leery,  and, though I think the monitors are a fantastic idea in school, I don’t want  that at home.”

She questioned how the data will be used.

“What will they do with all this information they’ll glean from my kid?”  Bauer asked. “I’d be curious to see what information they’re getting off these  contraptions. They’re OK in PE, but they make me question why the district isn’t  being up front with parents about what the program will be at home.”

Neil Richards, a professor of law with Washington University in St. Louis who  teaches privacy and civil liberties courses, said he feels the plan for the  devices constitutes “a major privacy issue.”

“The school district eventually will be engaging in surveillance of kids’  sleep and exercise patterns outside the school day,” he said. “Though physical  activity is important and obesity is a problem, the district could not require  kids to wear them because I think it would be a violation of their and their  families’ Fourth Amendment rights, which is pretty easily unconstitutional.”

And wearing them voluntarily doesn’t eliminate privacy concerns, Richards  said.

“They’ll create a record of medical information about children around the  clock,” he said. “Even if it serves laudable public health goals, it’s a fairly  Orwellian step for a school district to engage in.”

Benefits of monitoring – Ramspott said the current focus in physical education in schools has been on  the benefits of especially moderate to vigorous activity. Moderate-to-vigorous  physical activity is tied to the intensity of movement, he said. Examples  include brisk walking, light jogging, biking, skating and dancing.

It’s recommended by the U.S. Surgeon General that people get 60 minutes of  moderate to vigorous physical activity on most days of the week for obesity  prevention, muscle and bone growth, stress management and cardiovascular  fitness, Ramspott said.

“The monitors, by showing their progress, allow students to be accountable  for reaching moderate to vigorous physical activity,” Ramspott said.

He said past research shows kids in physical education class are getting the  best health benefits only 6 percent to 10 percent of the time. He said the  monitors help teachers more accurately assess that percentage of time.

“So teachers can use the data to figure how to design class time to maximize  physical activity,” Ramspott said.

He called the devices “a much more fair way of evaluating students with  regards to level of participation and physical activity in PE class, which is  something that is evaluated on most if not all days in PE.”

Ramspott said the district plans to share all physical activity and sleep  reports with parents and begin exploring correlations between physical activity,  sleep patterns, health risk factors and academic performance.

“Our goal is to reduce risk factors for obesity and encourage higher student  achievement,” Ramspott said.

Data from both the California Study of 2003, 2005, 2007 and from Parkway show  a correlation between increased levels of fitness and higher academic  achievement, he said.

“Students who pass more of the fitness proficiency levels on the Parkway  Fitness Test score higher on reading and math on both the MAP and SAT-7 tests,”  he said. “It is a positive linear correlation between fitness levels and  math/reading scores on these two tests. It does not prove that fitness makes us  smarter, but (it) does bring a strong case for increased fitness and the  increased capacity to learn.”

Laura Beckmann, physical education and health teacher at Shenandoah Valley  Elementary School, said her students can watch the monitors and see their  physically active minutes climb up. The school also started a web-based program  so she can download each monitors’s data and come up with group and individual  activity summaries, to track up to three weeks of time.

“These reports will go into portfolios to let kids examine their own  behaviors and set goals,” Beckmann said.

Amy Sydnor, physical education and health teacher at Ross Elementary School  in Creve Coeur, said her students that do not wear the monitors wear pedometers  instead. Ramspott said the district uses several methods including pedometers  for measuring activity levels in PE class.

Sydnor called the activity monitors “a great resource to ensure kids are  getting the amount of activity they need to be healthy.”

In the Rockwood School District, staff is completing setting up Polar active  monitors to track the activity of fifth-grade students at Blevins Elementary  School in Eureka through,  said Ed Mathison, health and physical education content facilitator for the  district.

Privacy and research – Still, parents should be asking what data is being collected from those  devices and when, Richards said. They should ask what rights they have to  control the data, whether data is anonymous, what safeguards will be in place to  protect data, whether the district is going to give it or sell it to anyone,  when data will be destroyed, and whether the district has a privacy policy available to parents.

“If a university would do this study, they’d need to have lots of approval  and consent from our internal review board, because this is a form of human  subject research,” Richards said. “Though the district should be applauded for  ensuring kids are healthy, this kind of biological surveillance seems to go far  beyond what they should be concerned with.”

He wonders what’s next.  “Will they start monitoring kids’ nutrition at home or how many hours they  spend reading at home?” Richards asked.  (read more)

It is a short leap to monitoring nutrition and caloric intake.   Remember, some school districts are banning lunches brought from home.   Put the activity metric into a data bank with height, weight, eating habits, sleep and activity patterns, and combine medical physical results and viola’……  Instantaneous probability statistics provided by actuarians to determine health risk and “insurability”.    BING
