This Egyptian official brings up a great point in a (Washington Post article) White House demands contradictory: WASHINGTON — An Egyptian official says his government believes that White House demands for President Hosni Mubarak to step down immediately are in “clear contradiction” with Obama administration calls for an orderly transition to a new government. ”  
The official, speaking for his government from a location outside Egypt, told The Associated Press on Wednesday that Mubarak’s decision not to seek re-election in September was not a result of White House pressure.  The official spoke on condition of anonymity, saying his government would not allow him to associate his name with the statement.    The official said in the statement: “There is a clear contradiction between an orderly process of transition and the insistence that this process be rushed….  (WaPo Story)
He’s right.  That’s what happens when the kids are in charge.  We need grownups and skilled diplomatic patriots to represent America.  This doublespeak highlights the inconsistencies within this administrations “maybe” based policies.   Administration weakness and inneptitude on world stage.  Media?  (((( crickets ))))
