Here’s video of candidate Donald Trump appearing on NBC Meet The Press (Chuck Todd), and CNN’s State of the Union (Jake Tapper) from this morning. The second interview is the most pertinent to the ongoing Rovian maneuverings.
It should be noted that both CNN and NBC released “post debate” polls today. You’ll notice Chuck Todd, despite an NBC poll result, didn’t use it.
The ideological “tells” are often inherent within what is not presented.
First the Chuck Todd interview:

The second interview (Jake Tapper) is more pertinent.
In the Tapper interview Jake uses the CNN poll as part of his rehearsed reference points. (*Note* you can always tell rehearsed questioning by the cadence of the questioner).
This interview is a little more concerning (from my perspective) not because there’s any poor interview answer, but rather because Trump might not be fully aware of Karl Rove’s “Operation Hummingbird“.
As you watch the interview, and for those who have previously understood ‘Op-Hummingbird’ from the pre-debate discussion thread, and especially for those who are aware of how Karl Rove plays the media game, pay attention to how Carly Fiorina and Marco Rubio are referenced by Tapper and, unfortunately, by Trump.

Having watched the CNN interview – – I would recommend anyone who enjoys research, and a larger understanding of the connections with politics and media work, to pause, use the on-site function located in the right margin (over there —->) and put in “Amber Lyon” a former CNN contributor, reporter, producer etc. Perhaps a larger understanding of the CNN operation will assist.
First, ‘Operation Hummingbird’ was the name we gave to Rove’s pre-debate strategy. (Yes, another prediction that came to pass exactly as described).   However, the most important part of Rove’s goal was the ‘book-ending’ or ‘squeezing’ of Donald Trump by two specific Team Jeb candidates, Carly Fiorina and Marco Rubio. Together they are the perfect tools for Rove to use in his longer term psy-ops political strategy. (Yes, we specifically predicted both Fiorina and Rubio being used exactly this way).
Second, (referencing the next video below) notice how Fox (Chris Wallace) references the CNN poll, and -like NBC itself- completely ignores the NBC poll which references a much larger data set, larger group of the electorate, much more methodical analysis and a more favorable polling result for Donald Trump.
This omission/selection is not accidental, and is used specifically to create a more preferred narrative. If you don’t know how they play the game, you’d probably never notice it.
Now, you’re read to watch the Fox News Sunday round table discussion of Trump’s viability. You only need to note the first section (first 4 minutes) to see how Karl Rove is playing out the previously devised plan.

Perhaps you can understand why it’s a little concerning to see Trump falling for Rove’s squeeze trap in his interview with Jake Tapper.
Rove, has used Ben Carson and is already dispatching him to the waste bin of useful idiots. Karl Rove now wants Trump surrounded by Fiorina and Rubio.  That’s the contrast he desires to bring about a public sentiment that Trump is an unelectable vulgarian by comparison.
If Karl can work the media angles effectively enough, and remember – he’s only selling the media something they already want to promote – he’ll then remove the risk of Trump, drumbeat Trump as an expired “flash in the pan”, and use Fiorina and Rubio (both Team Jeb members) as place-holders for Jeb.  This gets the GOPe road map right back on track.
It’s just how this guy operates and maneuvers public / media opinion.
When you know the players, and you know their goals, the day-to-day objectives become increasingly transparent.
Karl Rovetrump hats etc 2

Someone needs to get the Fiorina/Rubio squeeze play information to Trump so he can approach it like Trump did when he confronted Rand Paul in the first minute of the second debate and totally threw Team Jeb off plan for the first hour.
