Mark O’Mara has filed a motion with the court for reconsideration of Judge Nelson’s prior ruling regarding Benjamin Crump’s ineligibility for deposition.  (pdf here)

updateUpdate:  We’ve loaded the pdf to another hosting site because O’Mara’s servers are overloaded:   You can also read motion HERE  (we’ll also tweet the link)

This motion will affectionately be called “Tara’s Motion“, because the diligence of Treeper Tara appears to have given the defense a key tool in its position. Specifically the ABC audio tape which was mysteriously uploaded onto the ABC website on February 28th, which Tara discovered.

Tara 1

Tara 2

There are multiple substantive arguments in the motion filed by O’Mara outlining the defense position that Trayvon Martin family attorney, Benjamin Crump, is specifically a key witness for deposition surrounding all of the elements regarding discovery of Witness #8, Dee Dee; Who, coincidently was deposed last Friday.

The full motion is available here

Additionally, within the filing keen insightful followers will note “Exhibit K“, the letter Benjamin Crump sent to the Federal Dept of Justice outlining his allegations of corruptions and collusion within the Sanford Police Dept.

But it is highly pertinent for those understanding the “Big Picture” to note who is copied on that letter.   Note the names on the “CC”, and contrast against THIS STORY from today, and THIS STORY from last week.


This is much bigger than George Zimmerman folks.

Much bigger.
