Dear friends, several people have made inquiry about my sporadic posting in the past week+ and asking if everything is okay.  While I generally do not discuss facets of challenges that are of a more personal level, here’s the essence.

The post hurricane recovery process is exceptionally challenging and difficult.  There’s so much to rebuilding an entire community, economy and social system in the aftermath of such damage; it’s almost too encompassing to explain.

Previously, as I worked in the aftermath of disaster, I always enjoyed the benefit of leaving after the first several phases of recovery were addressed.

This is not that.

Even the smallest life detail can be difficult when everything is in turmoil.  My roof was structurally repaired by professionals about two weeks ago; I no longer have a tarp.  However, now the work inside begins against the backdrop of shortages of materials and workers.  If you don’t have buckets of cash to burn to go live somewhere else while you hire a contractor to do the work, essentially you end up in the role of a contractor yourself.

Living while this is happening is a series of complex challenges, I’ll explain.

Each night you empty a room into the garage. The next day workers show up to work on that area.  When they finish, you then put all the stuff back inside (nighttime), and then empty the next room or area into the garage.  This sequence continues as you go from room to room.  Empty it the night before, workers do repairs, at night put the stuff back, then empty the next room etc.  If a sub gets pulled away, or if a supply item is short, you have to refigure the plan on the fly.

Essentially, it’s a 24-hr a day operation and physically exhausting.  When I get ahead, I jump online and try to catch up on what is going on, then update with analysis etc.  On top of this is a loving God who never gives us more than we can handle, yet recently seems to have a higher opinion of my ability and capability than I do of myself – especially as He timed ‘Operation Sunlight‘ into the mix of literal life groundwork.

It’s almost over, and I smile skyward at discovering that He, as always, was right. And yes, through gritted teeth I will admit I am capable of dealing with it.  There is a great story to be told for real lessons in the aftermath of how to deal with severe chaos and national disaster.  Consider it “Recovery for Dummies” that I would have willingly purchased if someone had told me how faceted, complex and seriously long-term this is.

I totally understand why so many thousands of people just pulled up roots and moved away.  I hold no judgement or negative opinion of anyone who looked at the horizon and saw nothing but overwhelming stress.

In the aftermath of a major national disaster, there is a stark realization that life changes dramatically, even the most mundane of tasks hits snags and becomes exponentially challenging.  Yes, even for those who are life-skilled, capable and self-sufficient (in the most general sense).   No joking when I say, the coping mechanism is to look only at the two feet around you, and not at the scale of what you are trying to accomplish.

There are many thousands of people in worse shape than me, and I consider myself abundantly blessed and thankful to be a survivor and not a victim.  There are many more who have no support system around them and no immediate fellowship to assist.  Those people need prayers, constant vigilant prayer, and hopefully as the capable group encounter the opportunity from those in need, they will stop, reevaluate, postpone their self-objective if needed and assist.

Unfortunately, in this type of situation, there are fewer people who do the pausing and reevaluation, and even fewer still who can stay on task and proactively work a step-by-step plan that creates the opportunity to pause and assist.  You guys know what I am talking about, but you are a select group of thinkers.

So yeah, I’m ok.  God is a loving God, who is putting me in the right place at the right time, with the right skills and providing me with a profound purpose.  And if I start to get a little upset about being given such purpose, He finds a way to guide my head, painfully, into a not yet fully opened garage door right in the middle of my angered disposition.

I have discovered that God has a way of literally knocking sense into me, while simultaneously telling me to slow down and cherish the abundant purpose.

Love to all. Steadfast,


ps. These two memes would be the forward and prologue to my “Recovery for Dummies” short story…. 
