The video snippet below shows within 10 minutes after the 448-page Robert Mueller report was publicly released, Jake Tapper identifies two reporters, Laura Jarrett and Manu Raju, who Tapper says have “read the report.”

It’s almost guaranteed Jake Tapper is not lying in that segment. Yes, it is impossible for two journalists to read 448 pages of the report and prepare to discuss it within minutes… but that’s not what they did.
The Mueller people who wrote that report; the same Mueller people who tipped off CNN to the raid on Roger Stone; the same Mueller people who coordinated leaks to Buzzfeed, New York Times and Washington Post; almost certainly gave copies of the full and unredacted report to their media allies well in advance of AG Barr’s formal release.

This entire operation against the Trump campaign is a coordinated effort amid government officials, politicians, political groups external to government and media allies. None of this is happenstance; all of this is well coordinated. Once you know the signs, you can spot them everywhere…
This video example with CNN is just one pixel in a political picture made from thousands of individually identifiable pixels, here’s another:

This CNN story was late-day June 14th, 2017.
What was the purpose for the story? It was a coordinated effort between The Washington Post, then CNN, and the Mueller team. They were working the obstruction angle… Read the Mueller Report… It’s all detailed in there.
The Mueller team was using the media as a willing tool to bait President Trump to react and provide “obstruction” evidence they would use in the “obstruction’ file.
Think that sounds crazy? Well, these tweets are obstruction evidence within the Mueller Report.
