Plowing the field.  The Bern crowd has no idea how the DNC machine is setting them up. Senator Bernie Sanders announces his decision to run again for the presidency in 2020.

Two points:  First, Bernie’s primary value is his voter list; he has leveraged this multiple times for indulgences from within the party apparatus. Second, Bernie is the perfect plough (a delegate splitter) to carve up and re-assemble constituent parts.
The unofficial ‘chosen one’, the intended party donor candidate, will not surface until April or May 2019.  The DNC is predictable. It’s still too early for the anointed candidate to surface.  Bernie holds an identical 2020 responsibility to Marco Rubio in 2016.  The apparatus has undeployed dirt on Bernie; they didn’t need to use it in 2016 because the outcome was predetermined.  Bernie was not previously vetted.

Knowing it’s likely the ♦UniParty DNC is following a similar ♦UniParty RNC strategy, we can start to put the personal characteristics and political traits together and contrast them against 2016. Here’s the way it looks so far:

  • Senator Ted Cruz was to 2016…. as Senator Elizabeth Warren is to 2020
  • ♦Governor Jeb Bush was to 2016 as….
  • Senator Marco Rubio was to 2016… as Senator Bernie Sanders is to 2020
  • Governor John Kasich was to 2016… as Senator Cory Booker is to 2020
  • Senator Lindsey Graham was to 2016 as….
  • Governor Mike Huckabee was to 2016 as….
  • Senator Rand Paul was to 2016…. as Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard is to 2020
  • Dr. Ben Carson was to 2016 as…
  • Governor Chris Christie was to 2016 as…
  • Governor Scott Walker was to 2016 as…
  • Senator Rick Santorum was to 2016…. as Senator Sherrod Brown is to 2020
  • Governor George Pataki was to 2016 as….
  • Governor Rick Perry was to 2016…. as Senator Kamala Harris is to 2020
  • Governor Bobby Jindal was to 2016…. as Julian Castro is to 2020
  • Carly Fiorina was to 2016 as…. Senator Amy Klobuchar is to 2020
  • Governor Jim Gilmore was to 2016… as Senator Kirsten Gillibrand is to 2020

Reminder, anyone who is announcing their presidential bid ahead of Pelosi delivering the impeachment narrative is not part of the DNC plan. The “Chosen One” will surface during the April/May to June/July period when the legislative crew, the DNC crew and the media crew execute the impeachment plan.
Once we get a few more names on the DNC side, we can start to have fun with the celebrity squares graphics.
