Here’s the Roger Stone indictment (full pdf below) – (link to indictment).  Stone has been indicted on seven counts in connection with Rod Rosenstein and Robert  Mueller’s investigation.  The charges include obstruction of an official proceeding, witness tampering and five counts of false statements.
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The prosecutors allege Mr. Stone made multiple false statements to the House Intelligence Committee about his interactions with “Organization 1″ [WikiLeaks].  Thus it appears this is the reason why the currently corrupt DOJ and FBI have kept the transcripts hidden from public review.
If the public had the opportunity to review congressional witness testimony it would be much harder for current DOJ and FBI officials to shape a prosecutorial opinion of those statements.  Thus, Robert Mueller’s team keeps the testimony hidden so they can weaponize innuendo, and legal differences of opinion, for maximum political damage.  This is the very essence of “Lawfare”; one valuable approach toward legal manipulation.

Some of you might remember the raid on FBI Whistleblower Nate Cain back in November  2018. {Backstory}  There was debate as to the intent of the FBI and whether they were simply protecting their interests?  Additionally, the raid on Cain provided a severe level of doubt over the motives behind the IG Horowitz investigation….  The DOJ and FBI demanded everything about their activity must remain under seal.
Well, after the dust settled; and after everyone stopped paying attention to the raid and questioning the motives therein; despite his whistle-blower status, Mr. Cain was fired.

Noticing a pattern yet?….

