There is more than a little connective tissue behind a series of Project Veritas undercover investigative reports on how Twitter surveillance data is utilized, and recent discoveries of how FBI contractors were weaponizing FISA surveillance data against political opposition.
In each example, private company or big government, surveillance data forms the basis for the weaponization.  In an era when people don’t think twice before engaging on social media platforms, the Project Veritas series presents a warning worth sharing.
Part I HEREPart II HEREPart III is below:

(San Francisco) Project Veritas has released undercover footage of Twitter Engineers and employees admitting that Twitter employees view all of your private messages on their servers and analyze it to create a “virtual profile” of you which they sell to advertisers.
The footage features four current Twitter software engineers–Conrado Miranda, Clay Haynes, Pranay Singh, and Mihai Alexandru Florea. (more)
