The stock market (Dow Jones Industrial Average) closed today at 23,157.  The highest ever in the history of the Stock Market.
On September 6th 2016 the Stock Market was at 18,510 when anti-Trump billionaire Mark Cuban appeared on television to announce that if Donald Trump won the election, the stock market would tank. WATCH (prompted, just hit play)

2016 – [05:40] MARK CUBAN: “I have my Trump-hedge on. In the event Donald wins I have no doubt in my mind the market tanks. And so I literally have put on a more than 100% hedge that I’ll put on stronger if it looks like there’s a better chance in the polling”
CAVUTO: “What does that mean? If Donald Trump wins in November, what is Mark Cuban doing?”
CUBAN: “If the polls look like there’s a decent chance Donald could win I’ll put a huge hedge on that’s over 100% of my equity position, and my bond position as well, that protects me just in case he wins.”
