The ‘big ugly’ is inevitable. We all know it.  The only thing yet to be determined is the timing.  My spidey hunch tells me there are multiple possible detonation moments depending on sequencing.
Today, President Trump violates Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer’s golden rule regarding incumbent Senators.  President Trump tweeted support for a challenger:

Think about it.  President Trump has quietly placed triggering policy around the base of several UniParty issues:

♦China Trade Imbalance and North Korea Denuclearization; ♦the ongoing NAFTA renegotiations and future trade deals; ♦the fiscal year 2018 budget and associated MAGAnomic policy; ♦the southern border wall and immigration enforcement; ♦infrastructure and prioritization of spending; ♦no more stupid wars; ♦the repeal of ObamaCare and tax reform to benefit the middle-class workforce. 

These are not Bannonisms, these are core and central issues important to President Trump on an inherently personal and intrinsic level.
With some nuanced adjustments to reflect the current international challenges (ie. adding DPRK to the China objectives), these are essentially the fundamental reasons why candidate Trump came down the escalator in 2015.

Each of these policy initiatives are antithetical to the UniParty and their paid lobbyists. Specifically these policies are opposed by Republicans within the UniParty apparatus.
Sooner or later it’s going to come down to President Trump calling out those who have usurped the will of the average American.   We’ve described that explosive “calling out” moment “The Big Ugly”.
Confrontation has to happen because there’s essentially nothing but intransigent opposition from professional swamp-dwellers on these issues.
For those who think President Trump will blink on these core economic issues, or doubt the severity of his commitment to follow through on them, you only need to look upon the amount of grief he is willing to endure from opposition to stay focused on it.
If the economic council needs to disband, ok – go.  If the CEO board needs to be removed, ok- so be it.  Anything or anyone who anticipates being able to modify President Trump’s 30-year-long position and commitment to these economic issues at the heart of the core erosion of U.S. interests, finds themselves in the position of a gnat looking into a thermonuclear furnace.   Don’t be surprised to see Gary Cohn removed if he’s not part of the solution.
POTUS Trump ain’t flinching on the economic stuff.
Transgenders, bathroom policing, identity politics et al – POTUS Trump could care less what anyone agrees -or disagrees- to do in political consensus.  Send him whatever the damned thing is and he’ll sign it…. moving on.  POTUS Trump isn’t that kind of Republican; and it drives some people nuts.
POTUS Trump is looking at a much, much bigger picture than who is wearing high-heels, labels and definitions of today’s biggest PC offender.
Economics is survival.
Economics is the big stuff.
Remember these words:

…”Either we have a country or we don’t.”…

MAGA is essentially President Trump defining 2009 Tea-Party Economic outlooks in modern day 2017.
The constitution doesn’t mean much without a country within which to apply it.
Trump is seemingly one guy, yet he has them surrounded. And he’s fighting for Big Stuff.
The “Big Ugly” confrontation is inevitable.
