The Real Battle is the Battle For Your Mind…

CTH takes a different approach at significant world events.  We share the untold stories as they shake out, in real time, in granular details not noted by the MSM.  Readers here know the back-story behind the most consequential headlines when they happen.
♦We outline the policy approach and the intent of each sequential step in achieving a larger objective never discussed by the MSM; ♦we share the results as the significant horizon moments are encountered; ♦and then we share how the MSM shapes victories in the best diminishing way possible.  The latter point is specifically how the biased media shapes the mind of the consuming audience while the audience doesn’t actually notice it happening.

Cue today’s audio visual demonstration.
Everyone knows the first North Korean missile test was conducted during Bill Clinton’s presidency. That was over 20 years ago.  It would be intellectually dishonest in the extreme to think that after two decades, and with modern technological advancement, North Korea would not have missile capable nuclear weapons.  Of course they would.
Today the Washington Post, together with the “intelligence community” (note such leak and narrative partners are not accidental – they act in synergy) maneuver to diminish the hard won and historic policy and security advancement of the Trump administration -that could not be achieved by Bush or Obama policy- by pushing a “NEW HEADLINE” that North Korea already has nuclear missiles.
See what the media objective is there?
The left-wing media goal is to take the strategic policy win from the administration they oppose, and position it such that no win is actually worth celebrating.  See how they do that?

WASHINGTON – […] North Korea has taken a major step forward in realizing its goal of becoming a nuclear power, according to a Washington Post report on a confidential US intelligence assessment that concludes Pyongyang has developed a nuclear warhead capable of fitting inside its missiles.

The Washington Post first reported details of the assessment on Tuesday just hours after North Korea threatened ‘physical action’ in response to punitive sanctions unanimously passed by the United Nations Security Council over the weekend.

“The IC [intelligence community] assesses North Korea has produced nuclear weapons for ballistic missile delivery, to include delivery by ICBM-class missiles,” the assessment states, in an excerpt read to The Washington Post.  (read more)

What jumps out to discerning political weed travelers is the intent of the story is to diminish the effectiveness of the Trump administration and to water down any credit that would be given to the strategic economic national security approach taken by President Trump.
The liberal global policy think-tanks will never give their opposition credit for security a national security victory with strategic policy initiatives that are fundamentally against the worldview of the policy and media elites who claim to know better.
President Trump and his strategic economic policy and national security team have done something every think tank said was impossible.  Look at all of the pundit talking heads and policy officials in the past three months prior to Trump’s fully executed national security approach reaching fruition.  They all said China and Russia would be thorns in the Trump approach toward North Korea.  In essence, they said he would  never succeed.
But Trump did succeed.
What CTH wants to emphasize here is how the ‘Deep State’, and their media co-horts, are positioned against the Trump administration, and by extension against the America people, no-matter-what.
What President Trump was able to do with the approach he took with North Korea is jaw-droppingly smart. Stunningly so.  Economic leverage works.  We have been led by stupid people who never applied leverage in a way that would matter to secure the best interests of the U.S. President Trump and his team did.  And they won…. and ‘Deep State’ and media need to stop the American electorate from seeing/understanding  that victory.
Again, for emphasis, here’s how he did it. Here’s how Team Trump pulled it off:
♦First: The review of the enhanced sanctions against N-Korea should be incorporated with the larger issue of policy toward the DPRK’s enabler, China.
President Trump, Secretary Mnuchin and Secretary Ross have positioned a severely consequential trade reset between the U.S. and China.
[Trump and Ross delayed an announcement on trade sanctions against China which was scheduled for last Friday.]
♦Second: The enhanced U.S. energy export initiatives, in conjunction with lower oil prices, an outcome of U.S. energy policy and a mutually beneficial relationship between President Trump and Arab states in the GCC, have severely weakened the economic position of Russia.
Russia’s energy export economy is dependent on energy prices remaining high. President Trump has brilliantly worked the geopolitical economic relationships to leverage influence over a large portion of the Russian economy.
Combine these two points and you discover the leverage President Trump’s team has created.
It was a situation where China and Russia’s best economic interests are enmeshed with supporting U.S. sanctions against North Korea.
The Bear (Russia) and Red Dragon (China) were drawn into an economic battle space controlled by the Eagle (Trump-USA).
President Trump can offer a ‘better’ trade outcome (definitions variable) for China if they comply with Nikki Haley’s sanctions. Similarly President Trump can negotiate with Russia on ‘better’ or “more favorable’ terms (definitions variable) for U.S. energy shipments to Eastern Europe, again if Russia complies with Nikki Haley’s sanctions.
Previously, President Trump’s visit to Poland, and the Three Seas Summit (Baltic, Black and Adriatic Sea States), along with France and the G20 members, established economic relationships and agreements for energy export between the U.S. and Eastern Europe.
Add all this to the personal relationships developed between Trump and the Gulf Cooperation Council; then factor in the larger geo-strategic economic realm; and then overlay the leverage needed over Russia on issues unrelated to the EU,… and damn Trump’s foresight on this is incredible.
The Outcome – Now we see China and Russia holster their U.N. Security Council veto power, and actually support the sanctions against N-Korea because it is in their economic interests not to oppose the U.S. sanctions. Brilliant strategy:

When it comes to the use of economic leverage to create U.S. national security outcomes, well, we are learning at the knee of an economic master player.  The media will do everything they can to stop people from realizing how effective President Trump is…

“complicated business folks,… complicated business”

