To say that something in Minneapolis seems sketchy would be a disservice to all things sketchy. Something is seriously odd about the Minnesota shooting death of Justine Damond by a police officer originally from Somalia named Mohamed Noor.
Having followed several very high profile police shootings closely the same undisclosed media elements are present.

Officer Mohamed Noor is refusing to cooperate with, or give a statement to, investigators from the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension. However, the second officer who was partnered with Noor is cooperating.
Matthew Harrity gave a statement to the BCA and based in part on that statement the BCA released some information yesterday. -See Information HERE-
In a Tuesday evening news conference (video below). The weird and overly dramatic Mayor, Betsy Hodges, the Assistant Police Chief Medaria Arradondo and City Council Member Linea Palmisano addressed reporters.
