The basic media opposition to President Donald Trump is so severe that most of their representative silliness is now ignored.  However, every once in a while, they goofiest of them find a way to push the scope of their Trump Derangement Syndrome to such a ridiculous level that it becomes noteworthy simply to ridicule the ridiculousness of it all.

Such an example surface from MSNBC and Rachel Maddow who twisted herself into a pretzel to find a way to blame President Trump for the protests in Venezuela.

At the 01:13 moment of this video, for ten seconds, it is possible to look through the stargate into bizzarro world. [Prompted, just hit play]


…”there have been weeks, and weeks, and weeks of rioting and violent protests. And now today Venezuelans are enraged anewby this brand new FEC filing from the White House“..

Yes, somehow, twisted though it may be, Baghdad Maddow is claiming the people on the street in Venezuela are protesting because the owner of Citgo donated to the Trump inauguration fund.  Folks, you just can’t make up this level of moonbattery.
