The time-frame was 2011 – the Tea Party had just crushed a republican Utah senator named Bob Bennett a year earlier.   Massive push-back against growth of government including TARP, Auto Bailouts and now ObamaCare was fueling the grassroots movement; the Professional Republican Party hierarchy, the GOPe, was furious; the Tea Party represented a risk to the establishment republican authority.

The GOPe were in the midst of formulating a push-back plan against the Tea Party through the use of the SCOTUS decision “Citizens United”.  Establishment Republicans were organizing tens of millions into Super-PAC constructs to crush Tea Party insurgents.

The time-frame was 2011 –  Utah Senator Orrin Hatch was up for reelection in ’12 and the Tea Party wave was pushing House Republican Jason Chaffetz to challenge Hatch for the Senate seat. The GOPe knew if Chaffetz challenged Hatch their tenured statesman would be lost (just like Bennett before him).

GOPe corrupt Senate leadership (McConnell, Portman, Cornyn, Corker, Blunt, Burr, Crapo et al) were assembling all resources to kill the Tea Party uprising. They reached out to like-minded colleague John Boehner, Speaker of the House for support. Hatch must be protected from the challenge.

Speaker Boehner, Paul Ryan, Eric Cantor and Kevin McCarthy (influence agents) told Jason Chaffetz to back away from the primary challenge and he would be rewarded with a bigger office, cushy career advancement, and the Chairmanship of an important and powerful committee.

The GOPe warned Chaffetz it would be in his long-term best interests to turn away from the Tea Party because the GOPe were going to go nuclear against the rebellion.  There was also a 2012 Presidential race on the horizon and all efforts would be expended to destroy the opposition to their previously selected candidate, Mitt Romney.  

Jason Chaffetz agreed to walk away from the grassroots movement and embrace the GOPe along with all their promises.  It was a decision point, a critical decision point, and Chaffetz chose the establishment.

The grassroots movement would never forget. It was far too consequential a moment to be dispatched and/or understood. This was a matter of principal, and was logged in the memory banks of many – including a billionaire Tea Party supporter named Donald Trump.

Jason Chaffetz could never again be trusted.

In the years that followed, Chaffetz was indeed elevated in House status and was indeed given the Committee Chairmanship promised as part of the deal. However, one of the future promises made to Chaffetz was for the 2018 senate seat when Hatch was anticipated to retire (Hatch would be 84).

No-one needs to rehash the time period between 2011 and 2016 as it relates to the Tea Party objectives and the DC professional apparatus endeavors to crush the groups. Everything is a matter of clear record showcasing the UniParty lies, schemes and intransigent corruption within the swamp.

Understanding the attack (this was now a UniParty in DC), the Tea Party necessarily changed tactics from direct confrontation, to insurgency.   The UniParty meant there was only one political perspective in DC, we needed to create a second.  In 2016 the successful election of Donald Trump was the culmination of that insurgent endeavor.

So, here it is, 2017, the year before the 2018 election for Senator Orrin Hatch’s seat. Jason Chaffetz expecting a continuation of a political promise toward a specific outcome; but those logged insurgent memory banks are also remembering.   Remember, trust, once lost, is impossible to regain.

Now the People’s President Donald Trump, the tip-of-the-spear for the insurgency, tells Senator Orrin Hatch not to retire, to run for re-election.

And today, after two weeks of calls and evaluating his position, Jason Chaffetz calls it quits:

The moral of the story is several fold: •First, don’t chose alliances with a group of one-legged men, or you too will end up limping.  •And never, never ever, think President Donald Trump doesn’t fully understand the swamp world of Machiavellian politics.

